“Bo, can I be honest with you?”

          “Sure,” I answered Mandy (not his real name), a dear friend of many years.

          “Please don’t be offended. But I feel you’ve lost your focus on the Lord.”

          I knew it took a lot for him to say that to me. I felt his discomfort. I was also disturbed by what he said, coming from someone I trusted. Mandy is a lay missionary who has been serving God for the longest time I can remember. He was the leader of a network of prayer groups.

          “I welcome your input.  Please go on,” I said.

          “I’ve been reading some of your articles and I feel uncomfortable about your topics on finances. I just feel you lack trust in God now. You depend on your businesses more than on the Lord.” (This conversation took place five years ago, when I began writing about money.)

          “What makes you say that?” I asked him.

          “Because I remember the old Bo. When you were poor. When you had no money. When you stood on the street, with empty pockets, praying to God for your bus fare to preach in a prayer meeting.”

          “Those were good days,” I said.

          “Bo, I’m still poor today. There are days when I don’t have money for my needs. But every time, God provides. And I see so many miracles. But you’ve become rich, Bo. You’re different now. I really pray hard for you. May you remain pure.”

          I said, “Thank you so much. I need your prayers.”

          After Mandy left, I searched my heart and confronted God. 

But all I could find was peace. My decision to get into business, my decision to teach finances, my decision to become wealthy–I felt even more convinced that God was smiling at me. As crazy as it sounded, I’ve found God in the worldly. I’ve found God in business and profit. It was absurd, but I felt closer to Him more now than I’ve ever been.

That was five years ago. Today, my conviction is as strong as ever.

Since then, there have been many times when Mandy called for help. Tuition fees for his kids. Hospital bills for his father. Electric and telephone bills. And his ministry needs. 

Each time he’d call me up, he’d be very embarrassed. I knew that he was the type of person who would rather starve than ask for help. But he had no choice. He was asking for his family’s needs.

Each time, I was very happy to help out my friend. But every time he came to me, desperate and troubled, I saw what my life would have become if I didn’t decide to work on my finances.

Mandy and I are both missionaries. (I still devote 90% of my time to ministry.) But here’s the difference: Mandy chose to be poor.  I chose to be rich.

My message? Wealth is a choice.

I believe God leaves that up to you.

What’s your choice?

Get Financial Mentors

          How did I become rich?

I added to my mentors.

          Being a missionary, all my mentors were other religious leaders. Not one of them knew much about money.

          Here’s a simple lesson in life: You become like the people you hangout with.

          So I prayed and searched for millionaire mentors. God answered my prayer and I found them, one by one. I learned from them and my life has changed 180 degrees.

          From being poor, I now have many income streams. I’ve invested in real estate, buying foreclosed properties from banks and turning them into rental properties. I’m earning passive income from my other businesses. I’ve also learned how to invest in the stock market. It’s been an amazing adventure.

          But what’s more amazing is the incredible freedom I have to help others.

          If you want that freedom, I encourage you to learn more.

          You don’t have to attend my seminars. There are other seminars out there. Look around. You don’t even have to read my books. Read other books on money.

          But my seminars and books have a distinct advantage: They have a very strong spiritual perspective. It’s an essential part in transforming your mindset. I believe that wealth is God’s gift and we need to use it for His purpose.

          If you’re in Metro Manila, join me and my Financial Mentors at the Truly Rich Financial Coaching Program on September 18 to 19, 2009. Learn the various strategies I used to become wealthy. Learn from the same mentors who mentored me. It’ll bless your financial life. 

For more information, click here.


          May your dreams come true,

          Bo Sanchez

PS. So what do you choose?  You get what you choose. If you’re choosing wealth, I’m inviting you to join me at the Truly Rich Financial Coaching Program on September 18 to 19, 2009. I know it’ll help you expand your financial world. For more information, click here now.

PS2. Living Abroad? If you live in a foreign country or in the provinces, you can learn from me and my financial mentors “virtually” through my TrulyRich Club. Each month, I’ll “invest” into your mind via PowerTalk audio CDs and the WealthStrategies Newsletter, plus special interviews with my mentors. You’ll love it. You can even try it out for 2 months for free (just pay for postage). For more information, log on at the www.TrulyRichClub.com now.

PS3. Do you live in Cagayan de Oro? My internet marketing guru Jomar Hilario is giving a Hands-On Internet Marketing Workshop in Cagayan de Oro on September 3 to 4, 2009. For 16 hours, you’ll be in front of the computer, as he guides you how to create your internet business. One of my biggest income streams is my internet marketing business. Find out if this is for you. For more information, click here.