This will be short.
I want YOU to share to the world how you keep your body healthy. Inspire others to care for their body–which God calls the Temple of the Holy Spirit.
I thought of this topic because I just felt wonderful this morning. And I believe a lot of people rarely feel this way. They feel sluggish. Heavy. Slow. Weak. And depressed.
One reason why I feel wonderful each morning is because I do my daily exercise. For 30 minutes, I do very basic and simple Tai Chi movements. Stretching. Breathing. And praying to Jesus. I love it.
I then hop on my stationary bike and sweat for an hour. While I read or write on my laptop! (Yep, I have a special table on top of my bike just for that purpose. I actually went to a hardware store and invented it!) This morning, while biking, I read five chapters of the Bible, a story of a saint, and another spiritual book.
Unless I have very early breakfast meetings, I’m able to do this exercise regimen daily.
Honestly? I’m now 42 but I’ve never felt healthier in my life.
I believe life is what you make out of it. Who you are is a product of your daily habits. Next week, I’ll share with you my 10 Habits to a Healthy Body.
But this week, I’d like YOU to share to our thousands of readers what you do to keep your body strong and healthy. What kind of diet do you have? Do you take supplements? How much water do you drink? How do you deal with stress? Write your sharing at the comments below. Inspire others!
Hey, Christmas is approaching. People usually throw away their health out of the window during this season. Together, let’s tell them that there’s a better way.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
PS. Money is not be the most important thing in the world. But it affects every other important thing. One of those important things is our physical health. You need money to buy vegetables, fruits, etc. More importantly, financial stress is one of the heaviest burdens people carry–and it affects our health. So work on your financial health as well. Join me on January 10 for my How To Be Truly Rich Seminar. It will help you achieve financial freedom and your other financial dreams. For more information, click here.
PS2. Have you ever thought of earning through the internet? On January 30 and 31, join our Truly Rich Internet Marketing Workshop. This “hands-on” workshop will guide you step-by-step how to create a website that will earn dollars for you while you sleep. To know more about this Workshop, click here.
But what if you’re not from Manila? Here’s the solution: You can now avail of the Online Version of the Workshop. For more information, click here.
PS3. Financial Mentors may be your missing link to your success. (It definitely was mine.) I needed multi-millionaire mentors to teach me the path to true wealth and financial freedom. To learn more about my Truly Rich Financial Coaching Program on January 23 and 24, click here now!
PS4. Sorry, most of my financial seminars are done in Manila. If you live abroad and want to get my financial coaching via Audio CDs and DVDs, be part of my TrulyRich Club and change your financial life! For more information, click here.