I’m not much of a baker.

The last time I baked a cake, the house almost burned down. And no, I won’t tell you the story because it’s so embarrassing.

I swore to myself I’ll never bake another cake in my entire life. But even if I’m not a great baker, I do know one very important thing: You can’t bake a cake without ingredients. Ingredients such as flour, milk, butter, eggs, and sugar.

Friends, if the cake is your emotions, the ingredients include your imagination.

Here’s my point: The quality of your ingredients determines the quality of your cake. In the same way, the quality of your emotions is determined by the quality of your imagination.

If I just add something to the ingredients, I have a different cake. For example, if I add cocoa—it becomes a chocolate cake.

In the same way, if I just change my imagination, I’ll have a different emotion.

The Power of Your Imagination

Here’s the truth: What you imagine controls you!

Your imagination has enormous power. Imagination is creating your future reality. Imagination is prophetic. Why do you think did Jesus say that lusting after a woman is already adultery?

Why did He also teach that anyone who says “I hate you” is already committing murder?

Because imagination is not just a harmless set of thoughts.

Your imagination is the factory of the future.

Your imagination is where you manufacture your destiny. That’s why Saint Paul said, “We take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ” (2 Corinthians 10:5).

If you can control your imagination, you can control your emotions—and therefore, you can control yourself. Self-control is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:23). But how do you control yourself? One way is by the power of your God-given imagination.

I repeat: Your imagination is the remote control of your emotions.

P.S. Do you want to master the skills you need to succeed in life? I invite you to join me at a Founder’s Retreat in South Korea this coming April 23-26.

I call it “Founder” because a founder is someone who builds.

Whether you’ve built something or God is asking you to, you’re a founder. And as a founder, you need a certain mindset and a skill to progress and succeed.

That’s why you should not miss this chance.

Click here http://bosanchez.ph/founders and join now!