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So far bosanchez has created 635 blog entries.

Simple Breathing Exercise You Can Do Right Now

Here's a simple breathing exercise which you can practice throughout the day.  It has three simple steps: Inhale-Hold-Exhale.  Using your nostrils, inhale

Simple Breathing Exercise You Can Do Right Now2023-06-27T10:54:18+08:00

Focus On Relationships

There’s a direct link between your relationships and your happiness. The quality of your relationships will define the quality of your happiness.

Focus On Relationships2023-06-22T09:59:07+08:00

Enlarge Your Belief

I don’t know what you’re financial condition is now. You may be in debt. You may be in a financial famine. You

Enlarge Your Belief2023-06-05T23:26:05+08:00

Life Is A Mirror

Life is a Mirror Let's continue to laugh... One day, a Genie appeared to a woman and said, “This is your lucky

Life Is A Mirror2023-05-24T09:39:14+08:00

Is A Recession Coming?

Is A Recession Coming? (Will It Affect The Philippines?) People are worried. People ask me, “Bo, will there be a recession in

Is A Recession Coming?2023-05-10T22:10:11+08:00

Do You Want To Be Healthy?

When you get sick, listen. Your body is telling you to do something. Sickness is a message that something isn’t right. Perhaps it’s

Do You Want To Be Healthy?2023-05-02T17:35:36+08:00

Magic Doesn’t Make You Mature!

Have you ever prayed, “Lord, help me win the Lotto!”?  Been there, done that.  When I was a teen missionary, I was

Magic Doesn’t Make You Mature!2023-04-24T13:03:31+08:00

When It Comes To Goals, Who Are You?

People have problems with goals.  You can divide people into two groups. Those who don’t have goals. Those who have too many

When It Comes To Goals, Who Are You?2023-04-01T09:17:34+08:00

Prepare To Live Longer!

Do you know that the human life span is increasing? In the time of Julius Ceasar, the average life expectancy was 27

Prepare To Live Longer!2023-03-14T11:29:06+08:00
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