Join Me At The Last How To Be TrulyRich Seminar For The Year.
November 7, 2009, 8:30am to 12:00noon
Mandaluyong, Metro Manila
Last week, I had lunch with a friend I’ve known for the past thirteen years.
Let’s call him Patrick Passive.
Thirteen years ago, Patrick and I were in the same financial boat. We had very little money. We lived by the day. We had zero financial wisdom.
Today, thirteen years later, we’re poles apart.
I’ve moved on. I now have 16 income streams. I’m an entrepreneur, with interest in many small businesses. I bought foreclosed properties and rent out a few condos. I also invest in the Stock Market–both here and in the US–and other Mutual Funds.
In the meantime, Patrick has remained stuck. Over lunch, he told me that nothing has changed since the last time we met thirteen years ago. He said, “I’m still in debt, Bo. My income is still barely enough to get by. I still don’t have financial freedom.”
I felt the heaviness in his heart.
Patrick asked me, “Bo, what did you do that I didn’t do?”
“Just one thing, Pat. I failed and you didn’t.”
“Huh?” He looked at me like I was talking Martian.
I explained. “These past thirteen years, I’ve attended many seminars that were a total waste of time. I started 8 businesses where I lost a ton of money. I got into investments and got burned big time. I’ve succeeded more because I failed more.”
Patrick nodded. “In other words, you acted and I didn’t.”
I also discovered other obstacles in his thinking. I sensed that Patrick was comfortable with his poverty–because that was what he was familiar with. He was trapped in his fear. He saw himself as a poor person. He even felt that God wanted him to be poor.
I also met old habits that were sabotaging his prosperity. How he saved for his future (yes, he was saving, but in the wrong way). How he paid his debts. How he spent his money.
When we parted, I felt a greater passion to give my seminar again, How To Be Truly Rich Seminar. I want more people to gain financial freedom. I want more people to learn how to prosper.
Join me on November 7, 2009.
For more information, click on at the link below.
Tell me more about the How To Be Truly Rich Seminar
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
PS. After you join the How To Be Truly Rich Seminar, you can then joinmy powerful two-day Truly Rich Financial Coaching Program on November 13 and 14, 2009. My mentors and I will help you create multiple income streams. But I’ll tell you more about that later. First, get into my How To Be Truly Rich Seminar. Change your financial life. Click on the link below: