Because I’m both a spiritual teacher and a financial teacher at the same time, I always talk about 2 things: “Abundance Giving” and “Abundance Earning”.

Based on these two factors, you can categorize people into four types:

1. Truly Poor

These are people who practice Scarcity Earning and Scarcity Giving.

They are miserable in their poverty.

I differentiate them with some poor people I know who are happy despite their poverty. Because I believe money or the lack of it doesn’t make anyone happy or miserable. Instead, Money is a magnifying glass. It magnifies the happiness or the misery that is already inside you.

So here’s my advice: Learn to be happy before money comes, so that when it comes, you’ll be happier.

2. Fake Poor

There are people who practice Abundant Giving but Scarcity Earning, and sometimes, it’s not their fault they cannot earn. Like the poor widow in Luke 21. In biblical times, because of their society’s structures and culture, widows could not own property. But Luke says the poor widow gave two copper coins–which was all she had–and Jesus honored her, saying that compared to the guys who gave lots of money to the offering basket, “this poor widow has put in more than all of them.” (Luke 21:2 ESV).

I call that poor widow “Fake Poor” because in reality, she was the richest in that Temple.  Because she trusted in God’s Wealth to sustain her.

She is like the consecrated celibates today (certain priests & nuns) who are called to a life of poverty and radical generosity.

She is like a married couple I know, members of The Feast, who earn a decent amount through their jobs. They live in a simple house, drive a simple car, live a simple life. Do you know how small their house is?  I always tell people my house is small.  Well, their house is smaller.

But I was shocked at their extreme generosity.  My guesstimate is that this couple gives 40% of their income away, both to the church and to the poor.

With their simplicity, they look poor. But it’s fake. In reality, they’re richer than many billionaires of the world. Because they have profound joy.

I’ve traveled all over the planet, met thousands of people, and there’s no doubt in my mind when I say this: Generous people are happy people.

Do you want to be happy?  I’ve got three very practical tips:

• Do things without expecting anything in return.
• Give your tithes to your spiritual family.
• Give alms to the poor.

3. Fake Rich

These are people who earn a lot, own a lot, entertain a lot, but they live only for themselves.  They look rich.  But they’re really poor.  They practice Abundance Earning but Scarcity Giving.

One day, I met such a person. He was a multimillionaire whose business was multiplying but whose family was dividing. His wife hates him. His so-called friends were all leeches. He had all the fancy cars and fancy clothes, but when I looked into his eyes, there was an emptiness inside. He was actually very poor.

And finally…

4. Truly Rich

Practices Abundant Giving And Abundant Earning

These people practice both Abundant Giving and Abundant Earning. 

I believe God is raising up a generation of generous people who earn a lot so they can give a lot.

I want to invite you to think in abundance, to earn in abundance, and to give in abundance too.  Earn as much as you can so you can give as much as you can.

Because the purpose of wealth is to love others.

May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez

PS. You can also download my free ebook, “My Maid Is Now A Millionaire” If you want to build your wealth over time, I can guide you step-by-step. Grab my free eBook, “My Maid Is Now A Millionaire” at now!