Today, I want you to receive the precious gift of perspective.
What is perspective?
One day, a little boy goes to his mother and says, “Mom, I’ve got good news for you…”
The mother asks, “Ohhh, what is the good news?”
“Remember you told me that you’re going to give me P100 for every passing subject I get?”
He smiles, “This year, you’ll be able to save a LOT of money. To be exact, you’ll be saving P700.”
I really believe that life is all about perspective. Change your perspective and you change your life.
Who you become is not a result of your potential or your possibilities but is a result of your perspective. You may have great potential, but do you perceive it? You may have great possibilities, but do you perceive it?
Today, God will give you the gift of perspective. You’ll go home with a totally new perspective of how beautiful you are…
You’re More Beautiful Than You Think You Are
Today, God is telling you, “You’re more beautiful than you think you are.”
The Psalmist says, When I look at the night sky and see the work of your fingers—the moon and the stars you set in place—what are mere mortals that you should think about them, human beings that you should care for them? Yet you made them only a little lower than God and crowned them with glory and honor. (Psalms 8:3-5)
When was the last time you saw something so beautiful in nature—a lovely sunset, a majestic mountain, a glorious night sky—it took your breath away?
That happens to me a lot.
Even if Tagaytay is so near, every time I see Taal Lake and Taal Valcano, the sight takes my breath away.
Every time I see Puerto Princesa’s underground caves or Coron’s Twin Lakes or Ifugao’s Rice Terraces or Sagada’s mountains or Bohol’s chocolate hills…
Last month, I was in front of one of the 7 Wonders of the World—the Grand Canyon in Arizona. The beauty was mind-blowing.
Yes, I don’t even have to go far away to have this breathtaking experience. It happens to me when I go at the back of PICC and see the beautiful sunset at Manila bay.
And yet every time I’m blown away by the magnificence of God’s creation, I always hear God whisper in my heart, “Bo, do you think that’s beautiful?”
“Yes, Lord, absolutely. Words are not able to describe how beautiful that is…”
And God would tell me, “Bo, you’re more beautiful. You’re the greatest wonder of the world.”
And that’s why Paul says, We are God’s masterpiece. (Ephesians 2:10)
What is a masterpiece? A masterpiece is the best work of the Master. Out of the entire creation, you’re God’s best work.
Leo Rosten said, “When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.” When God created you, He poured into you His love and skill. You are God’s greatest miracle.
I hope this truth blesses you today.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez