Believe me, not much. 


Remove their clothes and they look alike.  Rich and poor people have the same body parts: Two arms, two legs, two eyes, one nose, one mouth…


And did you notice?  Rich people and poor people also have the same 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days year…


So what’s the big difference?  What makes one person rich and one person poor?


The answer is very complicated.  Very, very complicated.


But here’s what I know: One of the MAIN DIFFERENCES is their HABITS.  Rich people and poor people have different habits!


Poor people who became rich were able to acquire the habits of the rich.  And I’d like to share them to you.  Learn these secrets in my powerful seminar called, 8 Habits Of The Happy Millionaire, on May 24, 8am to 12noon, in Mandaluyong. 


If you’re sick and tired of seeing your financial life not going anywhere, join me!  For more details, click the link below:


Yes Bo, I Want To Learn Those Powerful Habits



May your dreams come true,



Bo Sanchez


PS. Are You Sick And Tired That Your Finances Are Going Nowhere?   Change it.  Join my inspirational “8 Habits Of The Happy Millionaire” Seminar.   For more details, click the link below:



Yes Bo, I Want To Learn Those Powerful Habits