When I was a small boy, I regularly massaged Dad’s shoulders every night.

It was part of my “chores” as a kid.

But every time I did, I’d complain.

Because his shoulders were as hard as steel! They were no match for my tiny thumbs.

Even then, I knew the tension in his shoulders came from his job. Dad was a manager in a large food company. Mom said he also had hypertension. As Filipinos love to say, “Mataas ang high blood niya.” (Wow, that’s really high.)

Dad had hypertension all his life.

All his life, that is, until he reached sixty-five. That was the year he retired from his job. From that day on, he never had hypertension, all the way until the day God called him Home at the young age of eighty-eight.

One day, when Dad was already retired—but very busy serving God—I remember he was eating in the dining room. I went behind him and gave him a shoulder massage.

The difference was amazing! His shoulders were soft and supple. No more tension in them.

That’s the power of stress in our lives.

Who are those most susceptible to heart disease?

Those with a “Type A Personality.” People who are aggressive, easily angered, competitive, controlling, and always rushing.

Here’s a scary fact: Eighty-two percent of people who have heart disease have a Type A Personality!

Why? Because of stress. (Type A Personality isn’t just a personality. Type A is a spiritual disease.)

Here’s another fact: More strokes and heart attacks happen on Monday than on another day of the week. (We need a presidential decree removing Mondays from our calendar!) I know a woman who liked her job but didn’t like the boss she was working for. There was a lot of conflict. Wanting a break from her stress, she took a fifteen- day vacation.

And she enjoyed her two-week vacation. But on the 14th day, when she knew she was going back to her job, she suffered a massive stroke. Today, half of her body is paralyzed.

That was a perfect picture of her life—half of her body wanted to go to work, the other half didn’t want to!

Because our bodies were not made for prolonged stress.

Friend, how stressed are you?

P.S. Do you live in Cabanatuan or nearby?

I have great news for you! I will be in Cabanatuan on September 14, 2024 for my “How To Make Millions in the Stock Market” seminar.

We’re going to teach you how to invest in the stock market the right and proper way.

So, come and join us by clicking on the link, and grab your ticket.

I can’t wait to see you!

Register here: https://tkt.ph/event/H2F2