Get rid of hurry from your life.

Evangelical author John Ortberg said, “Hurry isn’t just a disordered schedule but a disordered heart.” I agree. Because of this, he says that our society is rich in things but extremely poor in time.

We don’t have time for family, for people, for relationships.

We don’t have time for ourselves—to reflect, to pray, to breathe, to rest, to enjoy God’s blessings now.

The solution? Learn to slow down.

Here are tips (some from me and some from John Ortberg) on how to remove hurry from our lives.

1. Deliberately drive in the slow lane on the expressway.

If you do this, you’ll arrive home perhaps 10 minutes later. But you’ll be less angry, less stressed, and less tired. Here’s what you can do: Pray for all the cars that go ahead of you. Sing a song to God. Imagine Him seated beside you.

2. Deliberately park at the farthest spot available in the parking lot.

The result? You won’t have to fight with other people over the nearest parking spots; you won’t have to circle around for hours; and you give your body exercise by the extra time walking.

3. Deliberately choose the longest line in the grocery checkout counter.

We usually look for the shortest. Do the opposite. Look for the longest line. You can be sure no one will fight you over it. Enjoy. Pray. Smile. Bless the people around you.

4. Deliberately chew your food slowly.

As one of my friends says, “Food is God’s love made edible.” So enjoy your food. Relish it. Savor the taste. Chew your food very well. It’ll
help your digestion. More importantly, it’ll calm you. You’ll appreciate your food more. You’ll be more grateful to God for your food.

5. Deliberately put people before things.

“Waste” time with your loved ones. Laugh, play, and do nothing together. Learn the “art of being” as a group. One time, I brought all the top leaders of the Light of Jesus Family to the beach for three days. We played charades together. We looked pretty insane. It was wonderful. People ask me why the Light of Jesus has remained strong after 30-plus years. One reason: We play a lot. We have four vacations a year together!

6. Deliberately take time to enjoy God’s presence alone.

Each day, spend 10, 15, or 30 minutes hanging out with God. Just simply be with Him. Just rest in Him. You can sit before the Blessed Sacrament. Or go under a tree or take a walk. God says, “Be still and know that I am God.”

7. Deliberately stop watching TV.

People watch an average of four hours of TV every day. That means when you reach the age of 65, you would have spent nine years of your life watching TV. You’d wake up one day and ask yourself, “Where did my life go?” What if, instead of watching TV, you read a book? Or hold an entertainment night as a family? Or sing together? Or take up a hobby? Or volunteer and serve God in a ministry?

8. Deliberately take lots of vacations.

People work nonstop all their life, retire at age 65, and take a long vacation. Usually, they drop dead after a few years. Because they lose their purpose. I’ll teach you a better way, and I’ve been practicing this for some years now: Take lots of mini-vacations now and never retire! I take about 10 small vacations a year, usually with family and friends. And I can’t retire because I’m not working. Both my ministry and business are just so much fun.

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