TODAY, I’d like to talk about how God thinks you’re awesome.
Fact: Every single moment, a “Niagara-like” waterfall of data is pouring a billion stimuli into your five senses every single second. A flood of tastes, smells, sights, sounds, and touch.
Why don’t you go crazy? Because your brain is a huge filter. It’s super selective. It chooses 0.01% only of the stimuli it receives from the outside world. So what you perceive as “reality” is only a tiny fractional representative of reality.
When I was a kid, my sisters got into giant jigsaw puzzles. Those 1,000-piece, and 2,000-piece, and even 3,000-piece jigsaws that took forever to complete. I remember there were days when we had to eat in the kitchen because our dining table was covered with this giant puzzle.
Well, imagine that the created universe around you is googol-piece jigsaw puzzle. What is googol? Googol is the highest number with a name. Googol is 1 plus 100 zeroes.
If you have a googol-piece jigsaw puzzle, your brain won’t be able to even count the pieces, much less see all of them. So what your brain does is it selects the first 1000 pieces it gathers—and tries to put them together.
That’s what happens every time you perceive something—you think you do, but actually, you only perceive a tiny fraction of reality.
Physically, it’s an impossibility.
Which 1,000 Pieces Did You Pick?
When we try to understand who we are, some people—because of traumatic experiences or wrong parenting—reflexively choose the ugliest 1,000 pieces from the zillions of pieces available to them. It’s subconscious.
That’s why I meet so many people who look down on themselves, who hate themselves, who punish themselves by getting into wrong relationships or destructive addictions.
People have been focusing on their negatives too much, they’ve developed a poisonous discontent that simmers beneath the surface of their personality. No wonder people are unhappy! No wonder people are super-sensitive. No wonder people have chronic conflicts. No wonder people are depressed. No wonder people get into all sorts of addictions as their anesthesia for the throbbing pain inside them.
I speak from personal experience: Because I was molested as a child, I defined myself from that horrific moment of my life. As I grew up, I developed a shame-based personality. I was ashamed of who I was. For years, I’d wake up each morning ashamed that I even existed in the world.
I based my life on a lie. I believed I was worthless. Dirty. Unloved. Unlovable. A nobody.
God came into my world and healed me. How? He made me pick another 1,000 pieces in the jigsaw puzzle of my life. Beautiful pieces I didn’t see before. And shame was replaced by gratitude.
I no longer say, “I’m worthless.” I now say, “I’m wonderful.”
I no longer say, “I’m ashamed to be alive.” I now say, “I’m awesome because God is an awesome God.”
I no longer say, “I’m unlovable.” I now declare, “I’m God’s beloved and my name He has written on the palm of His hand.”
I no longer say, “I’m a nobody.” I now declare, “I’m a great person. And I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez