I don’t know how to explain this.

      I really don’t.

      But in my life, I’ve seen how the universe conspires to give me what I need.

      It could be as simple as a parking space.  For years now, I’ve noticed that when I need a parking space, it just appears in front of me.  (Obviously, there were exceptions, but even the exceptions were gifts from God, redirecting me to go somewhere else or do something else.)

      I believe we have the power to attract anything in our lives.

      We can attract a parking space.  We can attract joy, love, holiness, money….


      By openness.

      Ask and you shall receive…

      By opening yourself to blessing, by working on it, pouring your energies into it–the conspiracy of grace begins to work in the background.  I repeat: God created a universe that will conspire to give you what you need.

      You can of course attract misery, debt, anxiety, and conflict in your life as easily. How?  By what you do, how you think, and what you say.  It’s really a choice.

      But let me get back to my conspiracy of grace theory.

I believe God brought them into my life because I searched for them.


Seek and you shall find…


A wise man once said, When the student is ready, the teacher will come.

Around 8 years ago, I wanted to get into the Stock Market.

But I didn’t know a single thing about it.  I was a missionary for decades, so I was a total nincompoop when it came to the mysterious world of Stocks.  So I prayed to God to send me a mentor to teach me.

After a year with that prayer percolating within me, someone called up the office–a guy was requesting for lunch.  He said he read my book and wishes to have talk with me.

When we sat down together for the meal, he introduced himself.  And I couldn’t believe my ears.  He said he was a former member of the Board of the Philippine Stock Exchange and has been earning money through the Stock Market for 30+ years.

That day, I met my mentor.  That day, he introduced me into the whole world of Stock Market investing.  And since that day, he has been my financial, business, and life mentor–while he considers me as his spiritual mentor too.

Once I learned, I started teaching others how to invest in the Stock Market too.  Today, I’ve taught thousands and the numbers keep growing everyday.


Knock and the door will be opened…


      I could go on and on.

      Grace happens everyday.  And I cannot explain it.

      My dear friend, open yourself to extreme, excessive, extravagant grace.


      May your dreams come true,



      Bo Sanchez


PS. Open Yourself To Grace Now: Recharge Your Spirit This Holy Week…  Have you been very busy?  Do you face many frustrations in your work and family?  Do you feel that you’re energy is depleted?  Do you sometimes feel like you’re that tiny white hamster running in its rusty wheel, and no matter how fast you run, you’re going absolutely nowhere?  Do you want powerful spiritual refreshment that no spa or vacation can give?  You need to REINVENT.  Join me for my Holy Week Retreat REINVENT 2015: “God Will Make All Things New” on April 2-3 at PICC.  For more information, visit www.HolyWeekRetreat.com now or email Meann at beaconlightevents+seminar@gmail.com or call Aps at Tel. 585-6577 / 0917-8533693 now!