I couldn’t put a blog entry the past three days.
Together with the Kerygma Preachers, we holed up ourselves on a hill called Maryhills Retreat House, Antipolo. (That place really rocks–refurbished and modernized. Would you believe? The first time I was there was 27 years ago. I was 13, and Fr. John Sherlock was my retreat master. Today, I’m still working with him, now 84 years old! Catch him giving Confession at the FEAST in Camp Aguinaldo.)
Who are the Kerygma Preachers? Let me name some of them: Mike Joseph Jr. (my mentor), Arun Gogna, Alvin Barcelona, Jon Escoto, Obet Cabrillas, Adrian Panganiban, and Rissa Singson.
We’re usually scattered all over the world, sharing God’s love to thousands of people. But twice a week (2nd and 4th Wednesday nights), we gather for prayer and sharing, visiting each others’ homes.
But this weekend was extra special. It was our once-a-year retreat, and all of us we’re looking forward to it like little boys about to open their gifts on Christmas eve.
And so for these three days, we preachers shut our mouths to listen to God.
And wow, did He speak!
Let me give you a perfect recipe for a great retreat: 1) Eat as much as you can, 2) sleep as much as you can, 3) laugh as much as you can, and 4) pray the rest of the time.
And that’s what we did.
I can list the food we ate (but that would create a scandal), how many hours we slept (yep, complete with long siestas), how much we laughed (90% of the time)…
But I cannot even begin to describe the beauty of our worship times in the retreat. As most of you know, these guys are also fantastic singers that regularly perform in concerts all over the world. So for me, it was like being in a concert every time we sang together for worship.
Here’s the thing: We’re great friends.
When I go around different communities and parishes, my heart aches for spiritual leaders that are very lonely. Even priests don’t have small communities where they can be themselves, become vulnerable, and receive spiritual support.
But support communities don’t just happen.
You’ve got to make that happen.
If you’re serving God, I strongly suggest you create your small support group. Gather friends around you, and make some new friends if you don’t have any. Select them well–people who want to grow in their spiritual life and service to God as well.
People who are humble. (I realize that’s the #1 criteria of a Kerygma Preacher.)
People who will nourish you.
People who are positive and uplifting.
Find them!

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Oh, another important thing happened today.
I started shooting my new, very unique reality TV show, Preacher In Blue Jeans.
In this daily TV show over the internet, you’ll go with me wherever I go, meeting the fascinating people I meet, and seeing how God works miracles in their lives.
Watch my first show on November 1 at this website! In it, I interviewed many of the Kerygma Preachers while the retreat was ending. See them at their zaniest!