Is Every Blessing Really
Available To You Right Now?
I don’t usually start my articles with a Bible story. I usually insert it somewhere in the middle or at the end.
But I just looooove this story so much, please read this first…
There was a woman who had suffered terribly from severe bleeding for twelve years, even though she had been treated by many doctors. She had spent all her money, but instead of getting better she got worse all the time. (Mark 5:25-26)
Twelve years.
That’s a pretty long time.
She’s tried everything.
All human solutions have been exhausted.
Friend, you may have exhausted all human solutions too.
Like her, you’re facing impossible problems.
You’ve tried every possible solution–and every path has led to a dead end. In fact, some of the solutions you tried made the problem worse.
You’ve tried reaching out to your kids–but your kids are still wandering away from God.
You’ve tried repairing your marriage–but your relationship is even more divided.
You’ve tried getting out of your financial hole–but everything you’ve done so far–from businesses and sidelines–has gotten you deeper in that hole.
And you’re tired.
You’re very tired.
If this is your situation, then you need to listen to God’s powerful message for you today.
Because this woman wasn’t only bleeding physically.
And she was bleeding financially too. Because she spent all her money she had on doctors.
Financial Bleeding
I met a woman exactly in this same condition.
Last year, she said her doctors discovered cancer in her ovaries. And she went through surgery to take out the tumor, she went through 8 chemotherapy sessions, 6 radiation sessions, plus a bucketful of medicine she had to swallow everyday. She had to borrow money just to go through her treatment. But sad news was that after 6 months, her doctors said that her cancer came back, deadlier, fiercer, and angrier than ever before.
Not only was she sick, she was in debt too.
But it was worse for this bleeding woman in the Bible…
Bleeding Relationally
Not only was she bleeding physically and financially, she also was bleeding relationally.
Let me explain.
According to Jewish Law, a woman who bled was ceremonially unclean. That meant that she couldn’t enter a synagogue or church. She also couldn’t touch anyone–nor could anyone touch her–because that person will be deemed unclean too.
For 12 years, she couldn’t enter a synagogue.
For 12 years, she couldn’t even hang out with friends.
For 12 years, she couldn’t hug her kid, or hug her mother, or shake the hand of a friend, or high-five a neighbor, or stroke the hair of a child.
And finally, she was bleeding spiritually.
Desperation Is A Good Place
Her heart was filled with questions. After 12 years, why was God not healing her?
She was desperate.
But desperation is a great place to be.
Desperate people do desperate things.
Desperate people do things they’ve never done before.
It was desperation that made her push through a thick crowd of people, crawling on her hands and knees, clawing her way in, weave her way into the maze, find an opening, just to touch Jesus–and grab her blessing.
Your problem may be so big, you’re here because of desperation. Desperate people do crazy things. Like reading my Blog. And praying. And coming to the Feast (our weekly prayer meeting).
Thank God for desperation.
Thank God for problems.
Thank God for trials.
Touching The Cloak
The story continues…
She had heard about Jesus, so she came in the crowd behind him, saying to herself, “If I just touch his clothes, I will get well.” (Mark 5:27-28)
Her desperation made her do the unthinkable: She touched Jesus. That act, according to Jewish Law, should have made Jesus unclean. But the exact opposite happened. It made her clean.
But did she really touch Jesus?
No. She touched the cloak of Jesus.
But that was enough.
Here’s the big lesson: When you touch the cloak of Jesus, you’re already touching Jesus Himself.
Today, I want you to touch the cloak of Jesus.
When you receive communion, you touch Jesus Himself.
Yes, Jesus is the Eucharistic host. But when you receive communion, you don’t see Jesus. Why? Because he’s covered by the cloak of that white, thin wafer in front of me. But that’s okay, because all you need to do is touch the cloak, and you’ll be healed.
Yes, Jesus is the Word. But when you read the Bible, you don’t hear the audible voice of God. Why? He is covered by the cloak of words printed on paper. But that’s okay, because all you need to do is touch the cloak, and you’ll be healed.
I’d like to invite you to the Feast, our weekly prayer meeting on steroids. (For more information, click here.)
At the Feast, Jesus is there. But you won’t see Him. He is covered by the cloak of ordinary people gathering together and having fun. But that’s okay, because all you need to do is touch the cloak, and you’ll be healed.
My friend, Sr. Marisa, touched that cloak of Jesus…
Consult A Fourth Doctor
Sr. Marisa is a happy nun in her fifties.
She came to the Feast one day.
When I greeted her, she said, “I have a scheduled operation for my thyroid next week. Can you pray for me?”
“Sure!” I said.
After praying over her, she said, “I don’t want to have an operation. I’ve been postponing this for the longest time. Do you think I should go through with it?”
I said, “I’m not a great fan of operations too. Why don’t you postpone it for one more week and meet my health mentor?”
She did. She called up her doctor and asked for a delay. And he told her, “Sister Marisa, this is the last delay. After this, you really need an operation.”
Two weeks later, we met again, this time with my health mentor. We discussed about a change of diet and other ways of getting well.
And then the scheduled surgery was brought up.
“I think I should do it,” she said, “because my Mother Superior has been bugging me to do it. She’s says I’m just scared.”
“Have you asked for a second opinion?” I asked.
“I have. In fact, I’ve asked three different doctors and all of them recommend surgery.”
My health mentor said, “But do you feel well?”
“Yes, I don’t feel anything wrong with me,” she said. “But the doctors keep saying I need an operation.”
Wow. Three doctors. What can beat that?
“Just pray for me,” she told both of us. “If God wants to heal me without surgery, a doctor has to tell me I don’t need it. Because that’s the only way my Mother Superior will believe.”
Two weeks later, she had an idea.
She asked the surgeon who was to operate on her if a thyroid specialist can be part of the surgery team.
“No problem,” he said.
She called up the thyroid specialist and asked if he could join the surgical team. He said yes. She also scheduled to visit him before the surgery.
But before seeing him, she did a strange thing. On her own, she decided to undergo another thyroid exam. Without a doctor’s prescription! (How she did this is another great story too.)
She went to her thyroid specialist and showed him the results.
After looking at it, he said, “Sister Marisa, you want me to join the surgical team that will operate on your thyroid? But there’s nothing wrong with your thyroid. You don’t need an operation.”
She was stunned.
Three doctors told her she needed surgery, asap.
The fourth doctor–a thyroid specialist–told her she didn’t.
As I write this, Sister Marisa has overhauled her diet, is praying more deeply, and is happier and healthier than ever.
I love stories like this.
I no longer see any difference between supernatural and natural healing. Any kind of healing comes from faith. Because only you can open yourself to the healing power of God.
Anything is possible to those who believe.
No doubt about it, Sr. Marisa touched the cloak of Jesus.
Her faith. Her prayers. The recalibration she did with her emotional life. The change of diet.
Will You Grab The Power
Available To You?
And finally, the last part of the story…
She touched his cloak, and her bleeding stopped at once; and she had the feeling inside herself that she was healed of her trouble. At once Jesus knew that power had gone out of him, so he turned round in the crowd and asked, “Who touched my clothes?” His disciples answered, “You see how the people are crowding you; why do you ask who touched you?” But Jesus kept looking round to see who had done it. (Mark 5:29-32)
Here’s why this is one of my favorite stories in the Bible.
I love this story because Jesus didn’t touch her, didn’t speak to her, and–take note–didn’t even look at her. Jesus didn’t wake up that morning and say, “I’m going to heal this poor woman who’s been bleeding for 12 years.”
Jesus didn’t even know she was there.
Jesus didn’t know who she was from Adam.
Jesus didn’t know her name, her home address, her condition, her disease, or her suffering.
And the incredible thing about the story is that even after she was healed, Jesus still didn’t know who she was. Jesus didn’t know who got healed. Jesus didn’t know who grabbed the blessing.
Which brings me to my central point: Every blessing in the universe is potentially yours.
God’s blessings, miracles, and resources are available to anyone who wants to take it.
The key phrase: Available to anyone!
It doesn’t depend on God anymore.
It depends on whether you’ll grab the blessing or not.
Listen to this: Even after the healing has happened, Jesus still didn’t know who was healed by His power.
So many people think God plays favorites.
“Bakit may palakasan si Lord?”
People complain that God doesn’t treat people fairly.
That He blesses some people more than others.
That’s not true.
Because He’s made every blessing in the universe potentially yours.
The Universe Is An
All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Table
Imagine Pedro.
He’s lived his entire life in a small barrio.
And for the first time, he goes to the city.
While walking in Metro Manila, he gets hungry.
He sees this restaurant. A huge restaurant. He sees many people walking in. He goes in.
Pedro picks a table and sits down.
After a few minutes of waiting, he doesn’t understand why no one is getting his order or giving him food.
In the meantime, he sees everyone else around him eating and happy, their plates filled with food.
After almost an hour of waiting, he’s now miserable and hungry. He finally sees a waiter and asks, “Sir, when will you give me food?”
The waiter says, “But sir, this is an Eat-All-You-Can Buffet. Customers go to the table and get what they want.”
Pedro is shocked. It’s the first time he’s ever been to a place such as this. “I can just get what I want?” he asks.
The waiter smiles, “Yes, sir.”
So Pedro stands up and walks towards the table. He looks around at all the food and gets a bit overwhelmed. He walks towards the waiter and asks, “Can I get a small plate of pancit?”
“Yes, sir,” the waiter says, “as much as you want.”
Pedro goes and gets himself some pancit.
He goes back to the waiter and asks, “Can I get 2 chunks of adobo?”
“Yes, sir,” the waiter says, “as much as you want.”
So Pedro goes and gets adobo.
He goes back to the waiter and says, “Can I get a cup of rice?”
The waiter says, “Sir, you don’t have to ask my permission to get anything. Just go ahead and get it.”
“I don’t have to ask permission from you?”
“No sir,” the waiter smiles, “all the food on the table is potentially yours. All you have to do is grab it.”
Friend, everything you need is there, available to you in God’s buffet table of blessings.
Every Blessing On The Table Is Potentially Yours
All the wisdom you need.
All the friends you need.
All the joy and happiness and fulfillment you need.
All the money you need.
All the resources you need.
All the healing you need.
All the God-coincidences.
All the Divine appointments.
All the supernatural connections.
All the opportunities for growth.
Every blessing in the universe is potentially yours.
Our problem is that we’re sitting with our empty plate, still waiting for the blessing. You need to stand up and grab the blessing!
Stand Up And Grab The Blessing
For example, don’t wait for the perfect job to land on your lap. Create the perfect job. Discover your gift. Develop your skill. Hone your craft. Make yourself for valuable. Make mistakes. Double your rate of failure–so that you can double your rate of success. And grab the blessing!
Friend, don’t wait for money to come. Create a money machine that will give you the money.
Don’t wait for income to flow to you. Create the income stream that will give you the income.
And don’t wait for health to just happen to you.
Remember that 85% of your diseases have emotional roots. And 15% come from a lack of nutrition, a lack of sleep, a lack of oxygen, a lack of sunlight, a lack of exercise.
So work on the 85% of diseases by working on your emotions. Remove the toxic stress. Remove the unforgiveness. Remove the anger. Remove the loneliness. Remove the sadness. Remove the emptiness.
And work on the 15% deficiency of micronutrients. Change your diet, start eating more plants and less processed food. Get enough sleep. Get enough sunlight. Get enough exercise. Get enough oxygen.
Grab the blessing that you need.
God’s Delays Aren’t God’s Denials
“But Bo, I’ve been praying for healing for years. It hasn’t happened yet!”
I can never explain why some people don’t receive healing.
Sometimes, we lack action.
Sometimes, we lack faith.
Sometimes, it’s none of the above.
Let me go back to my buffet analogy.
Though the buffet table is loaded with a hundred dishes, you may still not find the exact dish that you’re looking for…
Let’s say Pedro’s favorite dish is Lapu-lapu.
The Buffet has tuna and mackerel and salmon and tilapia and bangus… but not Lapu-lapu.
So Pedro asks the waiter, “Do you have Lapu-lapu?”
The waiter says, “Not right now, sir, but if you’re willing to wait, we’re cooking Lapu-Lapu in the kitchen as we speak. In the meantime, enjoy the other dishes in the Buffet.”
Friend, God’s delays aren’t God’s denials.
When blessings are delayed, God wants you to enjoy and appreciate all the other blessings that are in your life right now.
But believe that right now, God is cooking the miracle that you need in His kitchen. He’s preparing it for you. He’s baking it to perfection.
Touch Him With Faith
In the Bible story above, hundreds of people were touching Jesus. He was in the middle of a crowd jostling, elbowing one another just to be with Jesus.
Yet only one person received His power.
Other people touched Jesus with their hands.
She touched Jesus with her hands and with her faith.
Your faith releases God’s power.
There could be 500 megawatts of power in a Power Plant, but without a wire–it’s no use. It can’t light a single lightbulb.
The wire that will connect you to God’s power is faith.
Today, I invite you touch the cloak of Jesus.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
PS. Yes, You Can Make Your Family Happier, Stronger, and Closer To Each Other Today! Get my 7-Session Relationship Reborn Audio & Video Course that will change your family life. Plus a huge Treasure Trove of inspiring materials to build a fantastic family through my FamilyRebornClub. You don’t want to miss this. For more information, click here.