Holy Monday today.


This morning, I start my juice fast.


About the Juice Fast: I wrote you a free eBook, 7 Days Of Prayer and Fasting.  If you haven’t gotten that yet, click here now.  (I suggest you print it out so you can answer the questions I prepared for you.)


But even if I’ll be fasting, I’ll be serving like crazy this Holy Week.  So while fasting, I’m choosing to be happy, holy, and handsome.  (For that last adjective, I speak with expectant faith.)


Today, Monday, I’m flying to Cebu to preach at the FEAST in SM Cebu at 7pm to 9pm.  (Like any of our FEASTs, it’s free.  If you live in Cebu, see you tonight.)


On Tuesday, I’ll fly back to Manila early in the morning to meet with the FEAST Builders–the guys who lead and preach at the many FEASTS in Metro Manila and suburbs.  Together, we’ll be praying for everyone we love in our “flock”–specifically for God’s Holy Week blessings.


      On Holy Thursday and Good Friday, I preach at our Holy Week Retreat in PICC, Manila.  My mission is to help people recharge their spirit and reconnect to God.   (I’m not sure if there are tickets left, but you can check by clicking here.)  You don’t want to miss this.


      On Easter Sunday, we have our biggest FEAST in the year.  We call it the GRAND EASTER FEAST from 8am to 12noon at SMX (Near Mall of Asia).  Aside from hearing my preaching, we’ll have an Easter Mass.  Bring your family.  Yes, it’s free too.  So come over and get empowered beyond your wildest imagination.  12,000 people will be coming to get a foretaste of Heaven’s happiness.


      In between my “work”, I’ll hang out with God.  And at home, I’ll also listen to the greatest music on planet earth–the laughter of my kids.  I’ll spend time with those wonderful blokes.  I’ll also enjoy watching the loveliest woman alive–my wife–tinker in the kitchen in sexy shorts to make those juices for me everyday.


      Life is good.


      Happy.  Holy.  Handsome.  (I walk by faith, not by sight.)


      Have a glorious week.


      May your dreams come true,



      Bo Sanchez


PS. More and more people are asking me about homeschooling.  Yes, we’ve been teaching our kids at home for 9 years now.  And yes, I started Catholic Filipino Academy, a homeschool center that provides parents who wish to teach their kids at home the training, teacher’s manuals, textbooks, and DepED accreditation for their children.  If you’re interested to homeschool your kids, read my articles about homeschooling below…


Grade School Homeschooling, click here.


High School Homeschooling, click here.