Ronni is a good friend and a very successful businessman.
When I asked him why he’s so successful, he told me a very peculiar reason: He said that when he was growing up as a kid, his father prohibited them from talking about gossip around the dinner table. They couldn’t talk about showbiz actors, their neighbors, or the usual trivia that people talk about.
Instead, they always talked about business.
Imagine being a 5-year-old boy. And all around you, people are talking about how to increase sales, how to satisfy customers, and how to market your product!
As a child, these daily family conversations around the dinner table painted a powerful picture in Ronni’s mind about who he would become one day. Subconsciously, he already knew he was going to be a successful businessman.
Today, Ronni owns a few companies worth hundreds of millions. For years, Ronni’s father made him focus on a powerful Self-Portrait.
And it has become a reality…
Focus On Your Portrait In God’s Mind
Friend, you have to learn how to focus.
Don’t focus on the negative things happening in your life.
Accept it, yes. Acknowledge it, yes. Don’t deny it.
But don’t dwell on it, meditate on it, and analyze it to death.
Instead, focus on what God is telling you.
Because as you eat around the Banquet of Life, your Heavenly Father likes talking about how great you are–and how great you will be. Listen to Him. Focus on His Words. And be blown away by how beautiful you are in His eyes.
No Matter What Happens,
Never Give Up Your Divine Self-Portrait
When I think of Self-Portraits from God, I think of Joseph in the Old Testament.
Because Joseph had a dream about who he was in God’s eyes (Genesis 37:5-11, 23, 28). In that dream, he saw the sun, moon, and stars bowing down to him. This became his fantastic Self-Portrait. He saw himself as a Child of God, Friend of God, and Champion of God. And through all the trials of his life, he held on to this Divine Self-Portrait.
Joseph kept on rising after each fall, even if others kept putting him down.
Consider this list of failures:
· Joseph was thrown into a pit.
· Joseph was sold as a slave.
· Joseph was falsely accused of rape.
· Joseph was thrown into prison.
· Joseph was forgotten in prison!
Through all these, Joseph must have asked, “Lord, what about that vision, the dream, that Self-Portrait that you gave me? Was it fake?”
But Joseph never gave up.
Each time failure struck him like a lead pipe hitting his head, he held onto the Self-Portrait God gave him in his heart. He believed that he was going to be a winner.
For we walk by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)
And in the end, Joseph’s Self-Portrait came true.
He became Governor of all of Egypt.
Let me tell you one last story of another electric fan…
Use The Power Of Pictures
In Your Heart
When he got married, Rudy was so poor, he couldn’t even buy an electric fan. He and his wife were renting a tiny room for P90 a month. And this tiny room got warm during summer, and without a fan, it got really hot.
But even in his poverty, Rudy believed in his dreams.
He was also a great believer in having pictures to remind him of his dreams.
So he did the ridiculous. He got a newspaper, cut out a photo of an electric fan, and pinned it on their wall. And each time he saw the photo, it reminded him of his great goal in life (at that time): That he’d be able to buy an electric fan for his beloved wife.
Whenever he saw beads of perspiration on her forehead, he’d go to the photo, and “press” the switch of the fan. He focused on his dream.
Four days later, Rudy heard a knock on the door.
When he opened it, he saw his neighbor holding an old electric fan. The neighbor said he was moving out and wondered if Rudy wanted to buy his old fan for P50.
Rudy was overjoyed. “Yes!” he said.
In four days, the real fan now replaced the photo.
The next photo he pinned on the wall was a beautiful white van. Foolish, right? How in the world can a poor man who couldn’t even buy an electric fan now dream of buying a van?
But he kept on dreaming for that van and worked hard. The white van came. And so did the larger homes. Both here and America.
Today, Rudy is a multi-millionaire. Because he had pictures that guided him through his journey. (And in case you’re wondering, yes, Rudy is also one of the financial mentors in my Truly Rich Coaching Program. I hope you can meet him one day.)
Having photos work!
Hang In Your Heart Your Divine Self-Portrait
But I’m asking you not just to hang a photo of an electric fan on your wall.
Use the power of pictures for a more important task: Hang a photo of yourself in your heart–the kind of person God wants you to be in the future. Like Rudy, I want to you to focus on that photo–your Self-Portrait–and dream big dreams.
See yourself as a holy person.
See yourself as a loving person.
See yourself as a successful person.
And see yourself as a “truly rich” person.
Redefine yourself. Now.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
PS. If you want to learn how to earn passive income through creative Real Estate: My friend, Real Estate Mentor, and Bestselling Author Larry Gamboa has a Think Rich Pinoy Seminar on June 1 at The Fort. To learn more about it, click here now.