The speed of life can bring us to the point of burnout. We can feel so exhausted that we have nothing more to give in our work, in our relationships, and in our family.
And because we’re burning out, we become prone to discouragement and frustration. We lose our temper.
Worse, we give in to temptations of lust, greed, and selfishness—and our relationships are damaged.
My dear friend, there is a way to prevent burnout. You have to refill yourself. Why? Because you cannot give what you do not have.
Here are five things you can do to prevent burnout.
Number one: Have a strong prayer life.
In Mark 1:35, after healing crowds of people, you’ll read about how Jesus woke up early the next day to spend time with His Father.
We need to have a strong prayer life. Spend time with God even just for a few minutes. Read the Bible. Reflect on the Gospel reading for the day.
Make it your daily appointment with God.
Number two: Nurture a happy family life.
This means prioritizing your relationships. If you’re married, prioritize your marriage.
I’ve been married for twenty-four years. From personal experience, if my marriage is happy, I’m strong.
But if we had a fight and I wasn’t able to immediately reconcile with my wife, I’m weak. I’m vulnerable. That’s why it’s very important to strengthen our key relationships.
Number three: Have deep friendships.
It’s great to have a beautiful family, but you also need friends outside your home. It doesn’t have to be a lot. But have one, two, or three confidants who know everything about you—people you don’t withhold secrets from, if possible.
When you are vulnerable, when you feel weak, when you are tempted, call that friend, and become accountable to that person.
This is for your protection. If you’re isolated—and there are many people who are—you become weak and vulnerable.
Number four: Have a great balanced life.
Get enough sleep and enough rest.
Some people are just overworked. And when there is just too much on your plate, you wake up in the morning already tired.
Why? Because maybe your body slept but your mind did not rest.
There are seasons in your life when you have to stretch yourself to do a lot of things to meet deadlines. But that shouldn’t be your regular schedule. The norm should be getting enough sleep and rest.
Number five: Be humble enough to tame your power.
There are times when you must let go of power, authority, and your sense of control. Don’t think you’re Superman. Because you’re not.
And there are times when you need to say, “OK, I’m vulnerable and weak. I need to acknowledge that. And I need to let go. I need to let God.”
Allow God to embrace you.
Allow Him to refill you.
And let God be God.
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