Yes, You Can Make Blessings Happen Everyday.
Marowe was interviewed on TV yesterday.
Bishop Tagle’s show on ABC-5 wanted to ask her some questions. So they sent a TV crew to the house, complete with lights, cameras, and a truckload of stuff.
Obviously, that doesn’t appeal to her at all. Being interviewed on TV is as appealing to her as being trapped in a steel cage with a thousand giant tarantulas crawling all over her body.
She doesn’t like the spotlight. She has never given a talk in her entire life. (Okay, that’s not true. Once, she was asked to give an 8-minute talk to kindergarten kids. Two weeks before that talk, she was so stressed, I couldn’t talk to her.)
In the TV interview, she was asked a question that she has heard a hundred times before. “How is it like being married to the Bo Sanchez?”
This morning, she was so relieved that the interview was over, she hugged me and giggled, “Bo, doesn’t anyone ever ask you, How is it like being married to the Marowe Sanchez?”
“No one,” I smiled, “but if someone were to ask me, I’d say, absolutely wonderful and phenomenal and fantastic.”
It’s really true.
Not just my family life though.
My whole life is really wonderful.
Today, it’s popular to be a little angsty. “Teenage angst” is very “in” today, even among 40 year olds who still think they’re teenagers. And you see it in how they look–black nail polish, black circles around their eyes, and a cigarette in their black lips. You’d rarely see them smile. (Don’t get me wrong. It’s not the style that bothers me. You can wear black all you want. It’s the negative, surly, snobbish attitude that steals a lot of life from them.)
Some Christians have their own version of holy angst. These good-hearted people like to focus on their sufferings as a way of pleasing God. They like to moan and groan about how difficult life is, thinking they earn brownie points in Heaven.
Well, excuse me, but I don’t have angst.
I’m happy with my life.
Each day, I wake up expecting miracles to happen.
I also expect the sun to rise, the day to be lovely, and my friends to be terrific. And most of the time, that’s exactly how it happens.
Sure, once in a while, it doesn’t happen that way. Hey, I can’t win all the time. That’s okay. All I have to do is wait for the next beautiful morning.
Don’t get me wrong. I’ve got problems.
But here’s the key: I don’t focus on them.
I acknowledge that they’re there. But I move on and focus on my blessings instead.
Because I believe my mind is a magnet.
Thoughts attract.
If I always think of my blessings, I attract more blessings.
If I always think of my problems, I attract more problems.
Dear friends, I pray that you attract more blessings in your life today.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
PS. Do you want to become a dynamic Preacher? Attend the Creative Preaching for the Preacher Seminar, given by two of the best Lay Preachers in the country, Kerygma Preacher Arun Gogna and Obet Cabrillas. No preacher must be boring! This course offers updated and practical methods for preachers. Through the modules and open forums, creative techniques will be presented both for the inexperienced and seasoned preacher. One day that will surely make a difference in the way you bring the good news.January 26, Saturday, 8am-5pm. Seminar Fee: P695 only. Register now before you run out of seats! For details, call Noel at (02) 8239546 or 09154493600 and 09282109765 now!
PS2. Go with Bo to Eastern Europe this April for a pilgrimage. For more information, email and ask about it.
PS3. Bo will be going to London and Scotland on June 17-22, 2008. E-mail Chelle at if you wish to help organize a Feast in those areas.
PS4. Do you want to earn money through your own business? And do you want to earn money through the internet? This February, two powerful seminars can change your financial life!
If you’re an entrepreneur (or would like to be one), save yourself from costly mistakes! On February 8 & 9, Rudy Torres and Bo Sanchez will give the Truly Rich Super Direct Marketing Program! (Why Marketing? It’s the lifeblood of all businesses. Most businesses fail because of poor marketing.) Who is Rudy Torres? He’s a Marketing Guru who grossed P9M just by marketing one product in 9 months–all by himself! Rudy will teach you the same powerful strategies that he used that can supercharge your own business. What can easily cost you P125,000 if you attended similar direct marketing seminars, you can now get for P9750 only! We have brought the price down to serve more people. (Special Couples or Business Partners Price is P8750 only per person.)
And if you want to earn money through the internet, then this is what you’ve been waiting for. On February 15 & 16, Jomar Hilario and Bo Sanchez will give the Truly Rich Hands-On Internet Marketing Workshop. Why hands-on? By the end of the workshop, you will already have a working website that will start earning money for you. Jomar Hilario is the young man who sold P2M worth of tickets for a concert–all done in 30 days–just by using email. A Seminar like this without the “hands-on” part will cost you P85,000 per person in the US. You can now get that same seminar–plus hands-on coaching (value: priceless) for P9750 only. (Special Couples or Business Partners Price is P8750 only per person!)
Attention: “2 Seminars” Special Price! Because both seminars will greatly increase your chances of business success! Instead of paying P19,500 for both seminars, you will only invest P15,500 per person! (Your BIG Savings: P4,000.00!)
“Crazy–Double-Your-Money” Guarantee: If within one year, you don’t earn at least double what you invested for these seminars, we’ll return your money, PLUS P2,000 extra for your lost time in trying out the seminar–no questions asked! That’s how much we believe these seminars will make you succeed!
Note: We highly encourage all participants of any of these two seminars to change their financial mindsets by joining Bo Sanchez’ How To Be Truly Rich Seminar on February 2, 8:30am-12:00noon. (P475 only).
For reservations, call Beckie at (02) 7229562 (Tuesdays-Fridays 9:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m.) or email her at now. Note: For early birds, save an extra P500 per person! Call now.