I love talking to Auntie Eunice.

          She’s a petite, 4 foot 11 inches, pretty Cebuano lady who lives in California. Sheloves to laugh, tell stories, and always treats me to a spicy Indian lunch every time we meet. Even if she doesn’t like Indian food! But she knows I do, so that’s where she takes me.

          She’s also a very successful woman. Auntie Eunice sells houses for a living. In her circles, they call her a “Million-Dollar” producer.

But more than all these, I just love talking with Auntie Eunice because of her fantastic positive energy. She rubs it on me and I feel wonderful.

          But early this year, the US Recession hit the world like a crashing meteor. So when I visited her last September, I feared the worst. I knew there were a million foreclosures all over the US, and a million more houses soon to be foreclosed. People were losing their homes. Who in his right mind would buy houses now?

          When I went around the West and East Coast, my fears were proven right. I met a number of Real Estate agents. Most of them told me, “I haven’t sold anything for months.” Some of them were applying for new jobs just to survive.

          So when I met Auntie Eunice, I was very cautious about asking on her business. But after our little chitchat, catching up on family and stuff, I finally asked her, “How’s business, Auntie?”

          Her reply floored me. She said, “Bo, I’m selling more houses now than ever before!”

          My jaw dropped. I couldn’t believe my ears.

          She continued, “In fact, we’re expanding. I now have 20 agents working under me. It’s a great business out there.”

          I blinked hard. Was she from another planet? I wanted to ask, “Auntie Eunice, don’t you read the newspapers? Don’t you know there’s a recession out there? You shouldn’t be selling houses. You should be like everyone else, suffering and depressed, crying inside their homes watching soap operas!”

          But Auntie Eunice is not like everyone else.

She Doesn’t Read The Newspapers!

I learned that she doesn’t even read the newspapers. “Why should I?” she said, “It’s filled with all these negative news.” She says she’d rather be in the streets, selling her houses to wonderful people who need wonderful homes.

That day, I met a living proof that success is all about attitude.

Auntie Eunice is that proof, standing 4’11 inches tall, right in front of me.

She doesn’t care if there’s a recession in the world.

Because in the world of Eunice, there’s no such thing. She’s declared it: “I’m not going to join the recession.”

Oh, let me mention two other great things about her: She loves people. And she loves God.

“Success is all about relationships,” she told me. “People I’ve sold houses to years ago are buying again, or they refer me to others who need new homes. We’re all friends.” I realized that more than a Real Estate Expert, Auntie Eunice is a People Expert.

Finally, she’s also a devoted Christian. Together with her husband and three beautiful adult children, they serve the Lord in various ways.

Don’t Join The Recession!


            Do you want to succeed despite what’s happening around you?

          You don’t have to join the recession.

          Auntie Eunice reminds me that success is not about external circumstances, but about three important components: (1) a powerful mindset, (2) practical wisdom, and (3) inner character. Develop these three things, and you will succeed no matter what chaos is happening around you.

(By the way, if you want me to help you in gaining these three components of success, read by P.S. below…)

          May your dreams come true,

          Bo Sanchez

PS. I’m very excited to help you achieve success in every area of life, especially in your finances. I’m personally inviting you to become a Gold Member of my TrulyRich Club. What is the TrulyRich Club? It’s a private group of individuals who I train, coach, and support in their happy journey towards success. 

But it’s a holistic success that I help you to achieve. Aside from winning in your financial life, I also want you to become winners in your spiritual life. Or success will be fleeting and temporary. My goal is make you become wealthy in ALL areas of life.

          For what you’ll spend on a monthly movie and popcorn, be a Gold Member of the TrulyRich Club instead and I’ll ship to your home a constant river of inspiration and instruction each month–including my PowerTalk audio CDs and WealthStrategies Letters.

          And to make it easy for you, I’m going to take all the risk.

          Here’s how: Try it out for two months for FREE. And to bribe you further, I’m also giving you a Sign-up Bonus that’s totally free–my How To Be Truly Rich Seminar-In-A-Box. I’ll ship this to your home too. Why am I doing this crazy thing? Because I know you’ll just love the TrulyRich Club. It’ll bless you so much.

Hey, if after two months, you don’t absolutely love what I’m giving you, just cancel–and keep everything I’ve given to you as my gift. No strings attached, no hard feelings. To sign up for two FREE months in my TrulyRich Club, log on at www.TrulyRichClub.com   You’ll be amazed how your thoughts will change. And when your thoughts change, your life will change.

PS2. By the way, as a TrulyRich Club Gold Member, you’ll also get fascinating interviews with my very own Success Mentors. I’ll ship them to your home in audio CDs too–so instead of all the bad news you hear, you can listen to inspiring stories everyday, wherever you are, at home or traveling. Together with my monthly PowerTalks, your mind will be filled with positive, life-changing messages that will make you achieve great success. To get your two FREE months of Gold Membership at my TrulyRich Club, log on at www.TrulyRichClub.com now!

PS3. I forgot to mention. As a TrulyRich Club Gold Member, you’ll receive the GodWhispers email everyday. It’s as though God is speaking to you each day, encouraging you. Let me tell you why I made GodWhispers: Because for many people, one of the biggest blocks to success is their distorted image of God. Through GodWhispers, everyday, I will help you change that image. You’ll notice a quiet revolution taking place in your personal life. Log on at www.TrulyRichClub.com now!

PS4. Last Announcement! Our biggest event of the year, the Kerygma Conference, is happening this weekend. Get blessed by the powerful preaching of Fr. Bill Halbing and be prayed for healing by internationally-renowned Healer Bro. Bob Canton. To get your P100 tickets for our two-day power-packed conference, call Tel. (02) 7259999 or email us at kcon@kerygmaconference.com now!