I’m not the athletic type.
One excuse: I’m an only son. It so happened that my five sisters were–for some reason–all women.
My Dad? He wasn’t also athletic. Oh yes, when I was a kid, he used to ask me to jog with him. But his entire jogging route was inside his garage. He jogged around his parked car.
But one day, I did something absolutely nuts. I went to the mountains of Sagada and went rock climbing.
For those who haven’t tried it, let me give you a very technical definition of rock climbing: It’s when you climb a rock. I know my definition is a bit difficult to understand. (I sometimes amaze myself with my brilliance.)
Seriously, my definition of rock climbing is being insane enough to suspend yourself 100 feet above the air with your fingernails hanging onto tiny cracks and indentions on the rock that ants can’t even crawl on–And you wonder why you even paid to do this lunacy.
But when I was up there, I felt no fear. None whatsoever. I wish I could be religious and say, “Because of Jesus.” But actually, I felt no fear because I had this thick rope tied around my torso. I knew that whatever happened, that rope would keep me safe.
Don’t Stay Where You Are
Friend, God wants you to go higher.
He wants you to keep on growing, to be wiser, to be more loving, to be better, and to be even more blessed.
Let me ask you: What’s your mountain? What do you need to conquer in your life? What dream does God want you to reach?
If your life isn’t exciting, it may because you’ve not been climbing mountains.
Hear this: It will be your fears that will keep you from reaching the summit.
But God is your rope. No matter what happens, He’ll hold you tight. Even if you slip or make mistakes in climbing the mountain, He’ll never let go. He’ll keep you safe in His hands.
But if you think I was excited rock climbing, it was nothing compared to my excitement watching my 9-year old son climb…
Your Mountains Make You Grow
Believe me, it was incredible just seeing my son go up!
When he was already some 50 feet up on a rocky ledge, all by himself, I heard my wife pray to all the saints in Heaven. Including those I never knew existed. She said, “Please pray for my son, St. Fulgentius, St. Hegesippus, St. Ischyrion, St. Paphnutius, St. Radegundes, St. Wenceslas…”
What was so frustrating was that I couldn’t be up there beside my son. He had to climb all by himself. I couldn’t pull him, push him, hold him, or carry him.
But even if I could have done all that, I wouldn’t have done it. Or I would have stolen from my son the opportunity to grow.
So when he finally rappelled down to the ground wearing a million dollar smile on his face, I realized he didn’t only conquer the rocky cliff. He conquered his fears–which was the biggest mountain of all.
I now realize that God will not remove your mountains. You need them. Because He is using the mountain to make you grow. God will give you all the inspiration and wisdom and power to overcome your mountains, but he’ll let you do it “seemingly” alone. But He’ll cheer you. He’ll guide you. He’ll bless you.
In your climb, remember that your God is watching you. With pride.
I got deeper insights when my son asked me for money two days ago…
God Has Piled Up Your Blessings
On The Kitchen Counter
One day, my son Bene was going to an internet marketing workshop. Before leaving, he asked, “Daddy, can you give me P20? There are only pay toilets there.”
When I turned to him to say “Sure”, I saw him already stuffing a P50 bill in his wallet. I left a pile of money on the kitchen counter–and he helped himself to it!
Man, I loved it.
I share you this little incident because of three key insights:
First, God has left all that you need on the kitchen counter.
The universe is God’s kitchen counter. He has loaded it to the brim with every blessing and miracle that you need in life to reach your dreams. If you only realize what’s available to you, you’d be totally overwhelmed. If you need love, it’s there. If you need wisdom, it’s there. If you need money, it’s there.
Second, ask for more than what you need.
Didn’t you notice? My son asked for P20 but got P50.
I asked him why. He said, “My cousin Nicole is attending the workshop. She goes to the toilet too.” Isn’t he wise? If you’re wise, you should also ask for more blessings because you want to be generous. Life isn’t about you. Life is about loving others. So ask Big!
Third, be confident when you ask.
Even before my son heard my “sure”, he already got my money from the kitchen counter. My son already assumed that I would meet his needs because he was confident in my love for him. And I believe God would love it too when we’re confident in His love for us.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
P.S. Need A Coach For Your Lovelife? Most people work on their marriage after they’ve said, “I do.” They go to counselling and seminars and coaching AFTER the wedding. But I think they should work on it BEFORE they get married. How early? I think they should work on themselves BEFORE they even meet their One True Love! My friend Rissa Singson-Kawpeng is offering a six-month Coaching program for singles who need guidance on this very important area of their life and future. If you want to know more about it, click the link below:
Yes, Please Tell Me More About This Special Coaching Program