A few weeks ago, a very exasperated father asked me, “Bo, my son is so hardheaded. How can I help him change?”

Last week, a woman who looked like she was carrying the whole world (and the moon, sun, and stars) on her shoulders, asked me,

“Oh, Bo, please help. My husband is the laziest man I know. Remember Juan Tamad who lies down under the tree waiting for the fruit to fall into his mouth? Well, my husband is worse. The tree is still a seed on the ground and he’s already lying there, waiting for the tree to
grow. How can I help him change?”

I hear these kinds of pleas everywhere I go.

Do you care for others deeply that you want to help them change their life? Here’s the most powerful tool you can use to help others change. And it doesn’t depend on how brilliant or gifted you are.

You’ll be surprised what this powerful tool is:

It’s none other than good old- fashioned discipleship.

Perhaps your reaction is, “Shucks, man, isn’t that what priests and missionaries do? I’m no preacher or teacher or leader. When my prayer group leader asked me to lead the prayers before meals, I fainted.”

Let me clarify. Whatever you’re thinking now about discipleship, that’s wrong. Here’s my simple definition: Discipleship is a one-to-one relationship of love.

Look at Jesus. He preached to crowds. But many times, He would withdraw from the crowd, so that He could spend intimate time with those 12 guys.

To enter their world, to listen to them, to laugh with them, to eat with them, to live life with them.

I believe this is God’s strategy to change the world, including your family.

God will change the world using your one-to-one relationships of love.

Preacher or Discipler?

The Bible recounts a story where Peter gave a speech to a crowd of 3,000.

And that day, 3,000 persons, right there and then, became Jesus’ followers.

Man, that was one great speech.

Now let’s pretend I am as fantastic as a preacher, and I can produce such fantastic results. If I preach to 3,000 people every single day, 365 days ayear—with no vacation breaks for birthday, Valentine’s, Christmas—and convertall those 3,000 into Jesus followers . . .

Question: How long will it take to convert the entire world?

If the population of Planet Earth is seven billion, and let’s suppose that the population of the world will no longer grow (which is not true), to win the world for Jesus, it will still take me (drumroll . . .) 6,392 years.

Yoda of Star Wars is 874 years old—and see how he looks. I am now
nearing 60.

Can you imagine how I’d look if I ‘d live 6,392 years more? I wouldn’t want to look at my face.

But what if I were a discipler?

Imagine if I can disciple just one person to Jesus once a year. Just one person that I could lead closer to God. And for the rest of the year, I just journey with that one person and help him in his personal growth.

And then next year, that person will disciple another person the following year. And so on.

If every person just disciples one person every year, we will be able to produce seven billion disciples in (drumroll . . .) 34 years.

It’s shocking, I know. If you don’t believe me, get your calculator and do the math yourself.

My point: Preachers won’t win the world for God. So who will?

Answer: Disciplers.

In the same way, preachers won’t win families for God.

But disciplers will.

Be one.

P.S. Do you want to learn how to invest wisely?

Start your journey to financial freedom by attending the Truly Rich Club’s upcoming Stock Market Seminars!

Check out the dates below and see if we’ll be in your area:
February 15 – Manila (SMX Aura)
February 15 – ONLINE (wherever you are!)
February 22 – Bulacan

Important reminder: This is not a get-rich-quick scheme. If you’re seeking fast returns, this isn’t for you. But if you’re serious about building your wealth steadily and securely, the stock market is your long-term path.

For more details and to reserve your slot (hurry – limited seats only), visit: trc.ph/events

EXCLUSIVE OFFER: Register now to secure the Early Bird Ticket Rate (up to 50% OFF). Plus, use coupon code TRC37931AFF at checkout to get an additional 10% discount on your ticket!

Don’t miss out— share this opportunity with your family and friends who are eager to invest smartly and build their future wealth!

And I will see you soon!

Let’s grow, learn, and be inspired together.

See you there!