Enoch walked faithfully with God; then he was no more, because God took him away. (Genesis 5:24 NIV)

I LOVE this picture of “Walking with God”.

Can you imagine? You and God, beside each other, walking together.

At the end of the day, Christianity is friendship with God.

Are you and God close? (Enoch and God were so close, God whisked him away to Heaven. This is a picture of your future. Heaven is not a place. Heaven is a relationship.)

As friends, you and God need to talk together often.

This is the reason you need to listen to His voice.

As we mentioned in the last few SoulFood articles I sent, there are many ways of listening to His voice. And reading the Bible is a very special way of listening to that voice.

Your Daily Dates with God

I love being with Marowe.

Being with her is my little piece of Heaven on Earth.

So far, I’ve had more than a thousand romantic dates with my wife.

I believe our marriage is what it is today because of those precious date nights.

My wife has magical powers. When I’m with her, she drains my stress away. When I’m going through a rough time, all I have to do is share my problems to her, and instantly, I feel so much better. With her, I’m at home. And I rest.

I believe couples need to connect with each other in a deep way, or they will drift apart and look for attachments elsewhere.

It’s the same with our relationship with God.

You need dates with Him too.

Listen to Him. And I repeat what I said before. Listen to Him in the way He designed you to listen to Him. If you’re a musician, listen to spiritual songs. If you’re a writer, write a spiritual journal. If you love gardening, listen to Him in your garden. If you love talking, converse with your spiritual friends. Today, technology offers more ways to listen. Listen to a podcast or watch online videos.

And yes, listen to God’s voice through the Bible.

Next week I’ll talk more about this. For now, open your Bible and enjoy your date with the Lord.

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez