Happy Easter!


If there’s one message from Easter, its this: If you’re going through your Good Friday now, believe that your Sunday is coming.


Many people tell me that I’ve succeeded so much in my life.  And everything I’ve set my mind on happens.  They enumerate the many dreams I’ve had which has become reality: Kerygma, the #1 inspirational magazine.  The Feast and Light of Jesus Family.  Anawim, our home for the aged.  And TrulyRichClub.  Etcetera.  One person asked me, How do you it, Bo?  From mere thoughts in your brain, BOOM, we see it come true.”


But you see, people only see one chapter of my story.


First of all, all of the things mentioned above were created with a bunch of selfless people who didn’t like their names in the limelight.  They let me have the glory so that my rewards in Heaven will be miniscule compared to theirs.  (Drats.)


But here’s another thing people don’t know: About my other dreams that have nose-dived and crashed to the bottom of the sea.


In 1983, I lived in a depressed area, dreaming of starting a community among the poor, plus a Cooperative to assist in their financial needs.  Nothing happened.  Well, not exactly.  Through that experience, I learned the art of sharing one filthy toilet with five families, two of which had eight children each.  (I’m not exaggerating.)  Needless to say, my mornings there were very interesting.  I acquired the skill of putting on hold my biological functions for two hours, my legs twisted together like a pretzel, while lining up and waiting for my turn.


In 1985, I wanted to start a Christian restaurant–complete with Christian music and food with biblical names.  I also wanted to provide jobs for our unemployed members.   That idea didn’t even reach the oven.  I wanted to serve dishes like Martha’s full course meal and Moses’ manna and Daniel’s veggie meal and Esau’s stew and Jonah’s big fish and Tobit’s liver and Jacob’s broken hip and…   Heck, maybe I should thank God this whole idea didn’t materialize.


Should I go on?  It’s now 2014.  You can just imagine how many failures I’ve made in my life.  I can write a thirty-volume encyclopedia entitled, “THE FAILURES OF BO SANCHEZ”.   And that’ll just be the index! 


If you want the blow-by-blow account of how I failed, you need 1 terrabite hard drive.  I’ve failed, and I’ve failed really bad.  And at the time of the failure, people didn’t mince words.  I was criticized, ridiculed, lambasted, fried, roasted, grilled, baked, sautéed, stewed, and eaten alive.  (See how my restaurant dream still haunts me today?)


       But God knows how to use failures.


       He masters in the art of recycling flops like me.


       We are all wounded.  But wounds are necessary for His healing light to enter into our beings.  Without wounds and failures and frustrations and defeats, there will be no opening for His brilliance to trickle in and invade our lives.


Failures in life are courses with very high tuition fees.  So I don’t cut classes and miss my lessons: About humility.  About patience.  About hope.  About asking others for help.  About listening to God.  About trying again.


About trying again and again and again.


May your dreams come true,



Bo Sanchez



PS. Yesterday, we failed.  I’d like to personally apologize to those who couldn’t enter The MOA Arena for our Grand Easter Feast yesterday morning.  18,000 were able to join us inside–the biggest Easter Feast we’ve ever had.  But thousands of others were turned down at the gate because there was no more room.  MOA Arena staff were also overwhelmed with people at the ticket counters.  I’m so sorry.  Yesterday, I already met with our team and I promise you it will NEVER happen again.  We already have solutions for next year.  Once again, I’m sorry.  Thank you so much for your patience.  I love you!  I pray for Easter blessings for your life!