One evening, a man was walking in a dark jungle. Suddenly, he saw what seemed like a tiger running toward him. Horrified, the man ran away as fast as he could. But alas, he didn’t know he was running toward the edge of a high cliff. Below him was a thousand-meter drop—and sure death.

He stopped and turned around. In the darkness, he saw the tiger moving toward him. Instantly, he made a decision. He said to himself, “I’d rather die by falling than be eaten by a hungry tiger!”

So he closed his eyes and jumped off the cliff.

But instead of falling a thousand meters, he landed just a few meters down on a hanging vine! It was actually a root of an old tree that was jutting out of the cliff. He was saved! But suddenly, from out of nowhere, he saw a big rat crawl out of a little hole.

It ran to the base of the vine he was holding—and it began to eat through it! At anytime, the vine could snap.

He was a dead man for sure.

Then he saw something red from the corner of his eye. It was a strawberry.

A little strawberry plant was growing on the side of the cliff.

What should he do?

He plucked the red fruit. Placed it in his mouth. Closed his eyes. Chewed it.

Licked his lips. Mmmm . . .

It was the most delicious meal he had ever had in his life!


God Gives Strawberries Every Moment


I can hear you now.

“Bo, what happened to the guy? How did the story end?” That’s the point.

There is no end.

We don’t know what happened to the man. But this we know: He enjoyed his strawberry.

You and I are like that man.

We hang on to life by a vine.

Actually, our life hangs by a thread.

At any moment, that thread can snap.

We can die anytime.

The rat eating the thread we hang on to is time.

Every single day that passes is one day closer to our death.

Every single step you take is one step closer to our tomb.

Our lives are short. Very short.


You Can’t Live on Yesterday’s Manna


One day, Jack and Poy met on the road.

Jack noticed that Poy looked very sad, almost weepy. He asked him, “What’s wrong, Poy?”

Poy cried, “Three weeks ago, my aunt died and left me an inheritance of P100,000.”

Jack was surprised. “Well, that isn’t too bad.”

Poy shook his head. “That’s not the end of the story.

Two weeks ago, my uncle died and left me an inheritance of P500,000.”

“My gosh, I’d like that,” Jack said.

Poy wailed and said, “That’s not all. Last week, my grandfather died and left me an inheritance of P2 million.”

Jack was blown away. He said, “That’s fantastic! So why are you so sad?”

Poy cried and said, “Because this week, nothing! No one died!”

What’s the problem of Poy? He got fixated on his past blessings. But you can’t live on yesterday’s manna. God gives different blessings each day. Learn to appreciate what He is giving you today that may be different from what He gave yesterday.

But there are people who enjoy each moment that God gives to them.

These people enjoy the strawberries of God.

Strawberries are found only in your “now.”

In your present moment.

Make a choice today to enjoy the strawberries of life!

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