Let me tell you one of the greatest mysteries of the world.
When a woman puts on blush on, mascara, eyebrow pencil, eyeliner, eye-shadow, eyelashes, lipstick, lipgloss, toner, powder–and then turns to her husband and asks, “Honey, do I look natural?”
Now tell me, how does a husband answer that without being hit on the head by inanimate flying objects?
Hey, I’m not against make-up.
I think it boils down to inner attitude: By putting make-up, are you covering stuff that you’re ashamed of? Or by putting make-up, you’re expressing the beauty that you believe is you?
Now before I give you advice on eyeliner techniques, how to highlight your cheekbones, and what various hues of blush-on you can use for your skin color, let me tell you about my sister’s wedding many years ago.
I was still in my twenties. I remember standing in front of the altar, beside the groom, eagerly waiting for his bride. When she finally appeared and started walking down the aisle, I noticed that my would-be brother-in-law suddenly entered into a catatonic state. His eyes had this blank stare, his mouth ajar, his body motionless, until I snapped my finger in front of his face.
Shaking off the shock, he swallowed hard and asked me a question I wished I recorded for his future children and grandchildren to hear.
He mumbled, “Is she… uh… your sister?”
I bit my lip. “I don’t know. She has so much paint, er, I mean, make-up on…” I finally shrugged and told him, “When she comes closer, just ask her name.”
You may be wondering who among my sisters I’m referring to since I have five of them. For the sake of my personal safety, that information shall be kept in a secret vault that can only be opened after my death.
Can I now shift gears?
Sorry, this article isn’t about make-up. (I’ll reserve my eyeliner and blush-on techniques for another day.)
This article is about enjoying who you are.
About being you and celebrating God’s beautiful creation.
So what if you’re too thin, too stout, too tall, too short, too round, too rectangular, too hexagonical?
When my wife was a child, she was teased as “headlights” by her classmates because of her humongous eyes. And she would cry buckets of tears, wondering why God made her that way.
Twenty years later, in my office, a young woman came in. Immediately, I noticed her lovely round eyes. I was smitten. Thank God for headlights.
Don’t hide. Don’t pretend. Don’t be someone else.
Be you. Be happy. Live!
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
PS. Do You Want To Earn Money Thru Larry Gamboa’s Real Estate System? My friend and Real Estate Mentor Larry Gamboa is giving a Think Rich Pinoy Abundance Seminar on how he buys foreclosed properties OR properties from “motivated sellers” and turns them around into rental properties or quick sales.
He’s also invited other Real Estate Mentors to speak, such as a man who owns and operates 400+ apartments in Makati, and a young woman who buys, sells, and is developing her own property now, and other real estate business models to emulate and be inspired from… If you’re interested to learn Larry’s system, click here now.
PS2. Larry’s Real Estate Abundance Seminar is on August 30. For more information, click here now.