Are your employees trained to take advantage of the internet? 

Is your business ready for the Christmas Rush? 

Or are you already thinking about how 2013 can be wildly successful compared to 2012 in your business? 

I think I have just the thing you need: If your clients can be found in the internet. 

But with Facebook already exceeding one billion active users a day, I’m pretty sure your customers are in the Social Networks. 

Next year, my internet marketing mentor, Jomar Hilario is doing a series of small business-only group consulting meet ups to help you get the maximum results from the internet. 

This same program successfully gave rise to more profits, more freedom and more customers to those who attended. 

To help promote these series of meet ups, he’s doing a series of free 90 minute “how to promote online” demo webinars (these are seminars in the internet) -where he’ll promote online – live -with you watching how he does it.  Yes, it’s going to be like you looking over his shoulder, sitting beside him as he promotes online. 

The first demo webinar will be at 8pm Dec 6, Thursday and another one at 8pm Dec 9, Sunday – in your own home. These two webinars are different from each other so I suggest you attend both. 

Signup below to join for free: 

Just take a look or send your employees to attend, too!  I’m sure Jomar can help you as much as he has helped me so much for ministry promotion–online–since 2007. 

And if you require more coaching for 2013, consider joining his live meet ups to bring most customers from the internet to your business.   

Signup below to join for free: