Are You Happy Without Money?
Money won’t make you happy. I don’t care if you have a billion dollars, or maintain ten mansions across the
Money won’t make you happy. I don’t care if you have a billion dollars, or maintain ten mansions across the
Benjamin Disraeli said, Little things affect little minds. I know of people who treat every little conflict, every little
Twenty years ago, I drove Dad’s car. It was an old Mitsubishi Galant. Because of its age, it was conking out on me. (I noticed
Do you want to succeed in life? You need to be an Eternal Student. Put a check mark before
You shall love your neighbor as you love yourself. --Matthew 22:37 Take time to care for yourself. I used
I was a true-blooded, full-pledged workaholic. I’ve now converted and have become a lifeaholic–if there’s such a thing. I’m
Burnout is expensive. I know from personal experience. I experienced one over fifteen years ago. It cost me my
By “product”–I don’t mean something you sell. By “product”,
Believe that you have value. Believe that you have something to give to
Remember that your perception of yourself is your reality. How you define yourself will be how you will act. If you