Be true to how God made you.
Don’t try to be someone else.
Be the best that you can ever become.
Or else, Cherie Gil’s words will describe you (from an old Sharon Cuneta movie): “You’re nothing but a second-rate, trying-hard, copy-cat.”
Friend, God created you with a special gift. And only you can give this gift to the world. If you don’t become true to yourself, if you don’t give this gift to the world, the world becomes a lesser place.
Love yourself. Celebrate yourself. Be yourself.
Be true to how God created you.
In other words, follow your heart.
Follow your path.
Follow your calling.
Follow your destiny.
Unfortunately, very few people encouraged us to do this.
“Why Don’t You Become Like Ate?”
The opposite is true.
Some of us grew up being compared to others.
Some of us grew up hearing these words:
“Why can’t you be like your elder sister who’s bright?”
“Why aren’t you like your cousin who is more responsible?”
And worse, we heard our parents say, “Why don’t you become like me? At your age, I was already doing this and doing that–and I never did this and I never did that…”
Parents, these are toxic words.
It’s like giving poison to your kids.
I know you don’t mean it, but this is what they hear: “You’re no good. You’re not good enough for me. If you want me to love you, you’ll have to be someone else.”
I Still Remember
When I was six years old, I came home with our class photo.
I wasn’t too proud of it, but I had to show it anyway.
I gave it to my father.
When he looked at it, he couldn’t find me. He said, “Bo, where are you?”
Sheepishly, I pointed to myself in the photo–somewhere at the back of the crowd. You could only see half of my face. (Clue: I’m somewhere at the right side.)
Dad groaned. I’m sure he didn’t mean to hurt me. Parents usually don’t. But that day, he did.
Because he said, pointing to the mestizo guy in front, “Bo, why don’t you be like this guy! Be in front! Wave at the camera!”
I said, “Yes, Dad.”
But I felt very sad that day.
Because I was a shy kid at the back.
And Dad wanted me to be like that mestizo kid in the front row. Confident. Outgoing. Aggressive.
That happened when I was six years old.
That was 35+ years ago.
Yet to this day, I still remember how I felt that day.
That’s how toxic those words were to me.
Parents, you need to love your kids with their personality, their temperament, and their unique gifts.
Never compare them with others.
After all, this is how God loves you.
Friend, are you still hurting?
Perhaps people around you are looking down at you. People around don’t believe in you. And all they do is point out your weaknesses.
You have a God that doesn’t do that.
He never compares you to anyone else.
He loves as you are.
He celebrates who you are.
He enjoys you–your idiosyncrasies, personality, gifts…
And He accepts you as you are–the entire mix, the whole package.
The Seeds Of Your Success
Were Already Planted In Your Childhood
Yesterday, I was going over my photo albums.
I saw this photo of me as a baby.
When my mother brought me to Chinatown, people bowed to me with great reverence.
Because they thought I was the reincarnation of Buddha.
By the way, that’s Mom’s arm showing off her “Seiko”.
Actually I think her arm is there because she was afraid that I was so incredibly round, I could just roll off the chair.
I show the photo above to make you laugh.
But the next photo I’ll show you is very close to my heart.
My mother said she could leave me in a box the whole day and I won’t budge. She said I didn’t need a baby sitter. Because I’ll just stay in my box and imagine the entire day.
Because my physical body may have been inside the box but my mind was creating worlds and galaxies.
As a kid growing up, I remember always having such a wild imagination.
Like I wasn’t satisfied reading comic books. I had to draw my own comic books. Complete with my own characters and storylines. It was a series! Comic Book Volume 1, 2, 3… (Now you know why I give a Teaching Series at the Feast!)
To this day, you can leave me in a “box”.
That’s why my wife says I’m a low-maintenance husband.
She can leave me for a few days with my books and I’ll be happy.
Why did God make me this way?
Because He wanted me to write talks, write books, and design organizations that will bless the world.
That’s why the Bible says, For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made… (Psalms 139:13-17)
I Appreciate Myself Now
I appreciate the fact that I’m creative.
I appreciate the fact that I was a baby who liked to stay in the box the entire day.
I appreciate the fact that I like imagining worlds in my head.
If you look at your childhood, you’ll see the seeds that God planted–seeds that will later grow and bear fruit in your life.
Here’s another thing I love about myself.
And this photo represents it so well…
That’s not a toy chicken.
That’s a real, live, warm-blooded chicken in my hands.
Thankfully, I didn’t become a sabungero.
They said that when I was a toddler, I would chase after chickens and grab them. I wasn’t afraid.
I appreciate the fact that I like chasing what I want.
To this day, I like taking risks.
I like daring stuff.
That’s why I’m a pioneer.
That’s why I like building organizations from scratch.
I like blazing a new trail.
This was how God made me.
I appreciate that.
I thank God He made me this way.
That’s why the Bible says, Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart, I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. (Jeremiah 1:5)
Are Martha’s Second Class Citizens
Of The Kingdom?
One day, Jesus visited his friends, Mary and Martha.
Mary was the quiet one who liked listening to Jesus.
Martha was the cook with the outgoing personality.
Honestly, this Bible story has disturbed a lot of Martha’s in the world. Because many people see themselves as Martha. Busy. Hardworking. Talkative.
Very few people see themselves as Mary. Quiet. Contemplative. Reflective. Introspective.
Here’s the story from the Bible itself.
Her sister, Mary, sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what He taught. But Martha was worrying over the big dinner she was preparing. She came to Jesus and said, “Lord, doesn’t it seem unfair to you that my sister just sits here while I do all the work? Tell her to come and help me.” But the Lord said to her, “My dear Martha, you are so upset over all these details! There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Mary has discovered it–and I won’t take it away from her.” (Luke 10:38-42)
Because of this, a lot of Martha’s out there feel like they’re second class citizens of the Kingdom.
That’s why people believe that monks are holier than businessmen.
That contemplative nuns are holier than salespeople.
That hermits who live in deserts are holier than policemen, nurses, accountants, and laborers living in the world.
That’s not true.
Holiness has nothing to do with your personality or your job.
Holiness is all about love.
Let me say something that will change the way you interpret this story: Jesus wasn’t correcting Martha’s busyness. And he definitely wasn’t correcting Martha’s service. Jesus was correcting Martha’s “comparisonitis”.
If You’re Martha, Be Yourself!
Martha’s problem?
She kept comparing herself with Mary.
Comparisonitis is a spiritual disease that has become an epidemic. It’s the cause of much unpeace in our lives.
To drive home my point, let me change the story a bit.
What if the Bible story went this way…
While Martha was preparing dinner, Mary sat at the Lord’s feet, trying to listen to what He taught. And then Mary said, “Lord, can you tell my sister to stop all her work and sit here with us? Why can’t she be like me?” But the Lord said to her, “My dear Mary, you are so upset over this! There is really only one thing worth being concerned about. Martha has discovered it–and I won’t take it away from her.”
My point?
You can be a Martha and be at peace.
How? Be true to yourself.
Don’t Fulfill Someone Else’s Dream For Your Life
I came to know God when I was in second year high school.
At that point, my mind was made up–I wanted to serve God forever. So I opened myself to the most obvious way of serving God–to be a priest.
But for many years, I never felt a strong call for the priesthood. Believe me, it was difficult to say “No” to priesthood.
Because ever since I can remember, my mother wanted me to be a priest.
She never forced me. She would just say, “Bo, I’ll be very happy if you become a priest,” oh, about 16 times a day.
Okay, that’s an exaggeration.
But you know what I mean.
My mother can be very insistent. (She used the power that all mothers have. It’s called Em2: “Emotional Maternal Manipulation”.)
But when I searched my heart, I realized that this was her dream, not mine. And my parents respected my decision not to pursue priesthood.
Today, I thank God I didn’t become a priest.
God called me to be a lay preacher instead.
Because my talks come from my experience as a husband, a father of two boys, and as a small entrepreneur.
People don’t see me on an altar.
They see me as one among them, living their lives and facing their problems. With marriage problems to fix. With kids to love. And bills to pay. And cars to repair.
And I’m happy doing what I’m doing now.
Honestly? I can’t imagine myself doing something else.
Follow Your Bliss
I heard of a sad story of a priest who, after only one month after his ordination, left the priesthood.
No, it wasn’t because of a girl.
It was because of the original girl in his life.
When he was ordained, he realized he became a priest because of his mother.
Because he knew he’d never be happy, he left.
I know of a doctor who–after 10 years of studying medicine–left his medical practice and became a businessman selling kitchenware.
When I asked him why, he said, “I come from a family of doctors. My parents were both doctors. My elder brother was a doctor. My uncles were doctors. And I was expected to be a doctor. So I took medicine. Only to realize later that this wasn’t what made me happy. What made me happy was when I sold stuff to people!”
Henry David Thoreau said, The greatest tragedy in life is to spend your whole life fishing only to discover that it was not fish you were after.
Friend, God has given you a dream for your life.
That’s the dream that you have to fulfill.
And you’ll only be happy if you fulfill that dream.
Joseph Campbell said, “Follow your bliss.”
What makes you truly happy?
Truly fulfilled deep inside?
That’s the path you need to take.
Success Is Effortless
Here’s what I learned in life: The most stressful thing for you to do is to be someone else. And the easiest thing to do in the world? To be yourself.
And there lies your greatest success.
And your greatest happiness.
When you become yourself, you discover that success and happiness becomes almost effortless.
I’m not saying “without work”. Success entails lots of work. But it’s work that’s done effortlessly.
Have you seen a world-class singers sing?
They sing effortlessly.
Have you seen world-class athletes perform?
They perform effortlessly.
They do so because they’re following their bliss.
Once Upon A Time,
I Felt Envious
I have a confession to make.
A very embarrassing confession.
Some years ago, I used to compare myself to Mike Velarde of El Shaddai. And Frank Padilla of Couples for Christ. And Tony Meloto of Gawad Kalinga.
And I felt very small.
I felt very insecure.
I didn’t want to admit it, but I felt envious.
I preached to thousands. But Mike preached to millions.
I built a group that has grown in a few countries. Frank built a group that is now in 156 countries.
I built four small ministries for the poor. Tony built 1,700+ GK villages for the poor.
As I compared myself with these giants, I asked myself a terrible question: “What is wrong with me?”
Let me give you a background.
Many years ago, I suffered from a shame-based personality. (I shared in my books, Your Past Does Not Define Your Future and 7 Secrets Of Freedom.)
My shame-based personality was partially connected to my being molested as a child.
Basically, I was ashamed of myself.
I didn’t like being me.
Because I hungered for love, I wanted to be someone else. In an unconscious way, I wanted to be more successful so that people will love me.
But thankfully, God made it his fulltime job to heal me. (Wink.)
He told me that He loved me.
And He told me to love myself.
Over and over again, God told me, “I didn’t create you to be Mike Velarde or Frank Padilla or Tony Meloto. I created you to be Bo Sanchez. To be the best Bo Sanchez in the world.”
I like what Judy Garland said: “Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.”
And one day, I learned to love myself.
To accept myself.
To celebrate all that I am.
To embrace my calling.
When I did that, it was like I turned a key in my soul.
All of a sudden, peace flooded my spirit.
Like a heavy burden lifted from my shoulders.
I felt free. Liberated. Whole.
Instantly, I gained confidence.
Today, I no longer feel envious.
Today, I no longer look over my shoulder, comparing myself with this guy or that guy.
Because I’m at peace.
I am where I’m supposed to be.
And I’m doing what I’m supposed to be doing.
I want you to have that same peace today.
Deep in your spirit, receive God’s embrace today.
God Wants You To Be You
Friend, God has chosen you.
You’ve been handpicked by God.
Your destiny awaits you.
Don’t look down at yourself.
You might say, “But Bo, I’ve not been a very good person lately. I’ve fallen into sin. I’ve been far from God.”
I’ve got news for you: If you’ve been far from God, God has never been far from you. He’s pursued you, chased after you, and He’ll never give up on you.
God wants you to be another Jesus in the world.
But I’ve got a radical announcement to make: He’s not interested in making clones of Jesus. (That’s what happens in Pampanga every Good Friday–they crucify themselves.) He’s interested in making the best “you” in the world–to be Jesus in your unique way.
Yes, God wants you to be you!
Learn To Appreciate Yourself
Friend, God created you in a very special way.
He shaped you, fashioned you, and molded you.
God designed every part of your being.
You may not feel good about yourself right now.
You may feel you have no gifts.
You may feel down now because you’ve failed so many times in the past.
But remember that God has a great plan for your life.
Friend, you have a sacred mission to fulfill.
God has appointed you to be a prophet.
Every raw material you need to do His work is already there within you.
And God appreciates you!
So first things first–Appreciate yourself.
One of my favorite Bible passages is this:
The LORD your God is with you, he is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you, he will quiet you with his love, he will rejoice over you with singing. (Zephaniah 3:17)
One Bible translation says, “God will dance over you.”
Have you ever imagined God dancing?
And why is He dancing?
Because He delights in you.
Because He’s throwing a party in your honor.
That’s how much He appreciates you.
So start appreciating yourself.
And be true to how God made you.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
PS. Become true to who you really are. How? Allow God to remind you of your true identity, call, and beauty. Get my GodWhispers twice a week. It will blow you away. And here’s the good news: It’s free. Log on at now!
PS2. Grow Spiritually. Receive daily Bible reflections and a mountain load of material to grow in your spiritual life. Join my international, borderless, non-physical, virtual community called KerygmaFamily. Also free. Log on at now!
PS3. Leadership Training Seminar for the Youth. This leadership seminar focuses on authentic character building — having a heart for God is what true leadership is all about. The activities will help discover, develop, and deliver the gifts of the young. Techniques to reach out to other young people will also be shared. Empowering the youth always works! In this leadership seminar the different issues of the young people will be tackled like: Choosing the Right Path of Life (iChoose), Using Media and Technology (Hi-Tech), Being in a Romantic Relationship (Love Smart) and Enjoying Life with God (D.E.E.P.) It’ll be on May 22, Saturday, 8am-5pm, at San Carlos Lay Force Guadalupe Makati. Speakers are Kerygma Preachers and Feast Builders Arun Gogna and Obet Cabrillas. Your learning investment is P450 only if you register early. Call Noel at Tel (02) 9852447 (02) 9852447 or 09154493600 or 09282109765. Or visit