One day, I gave a retreat for married couples.

I asked them to write 10 wonderful qualities they see in their spouse. Immediately, they complained, “Ten? That’s too much!” But they were kidding. All of them went to work, writing the answers.

Except for one woman.

She came up to me and said, “Bo, there’s no redeemable quality in my husband.”

I said, “That’s impossible.”

“I’m telling you, Bo, my husband is a creature from outer space. He’s an alien life form.”

“You can’t think of one thing that’s good about him?” I asked.

She said, “Well, I can think of one thing. He’s got good taste. After all, he chose me.”

I smiled. “Write that down. Anything else?”

“That’s it,” she said. “Nothing else.”

“I’ll help you to joggle your brain,” I said. “Does he help you at home?”

“No. He’s lazy.”

“Does he cook?” I asked.

She shook her head. “Are you kidding me? Of course not. He knows how to eat. And he eats like a monster.”

That’s when she stopped.

“You know, come to think about it, I feed my husband anything and he’s happy. I fry him an egg—and he’s content. I’m writing this down.”

She wrote it, “He’s easy to please.”

She kept on writing eight more good qualities about her husband.

And in five minutes, I saw a physical transformation.

Her face changed. She was so happy. She pointed to her list and said, “Bo, my husband is OK!”

But in those five minutes, her husband didn’t change. She did.

That’s the power of gratitude.

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