About bosanchez

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So far bosanchez has created 635 blog entries.

Awaken The Healer In You

       I have a very important announcement to make: God has given you the power to heal yourself.        This is an

Awaken The Healer In You2010-06-28T09:35:30+08:00

Don’t Be A Zombie

       One day, a female doctor was working late in the hospital.        She was on the elevator with another woman.        

Don’t Be A Zombie2011-06-08T20:21:43+08:00

How To Enlarge Your Territories

When you were a baby, were you cute and cuddly? I know I was. (If you disagree, then you’ll be disagreeing with my

How To Enlarge Your Territories2010-06-14T10:44:32+08:00

Be True To Yourself

Be true to how God made you. Don’t try to be someone else. Be the best that you can ever become. Or

Be True To Yourself2010-05-17T13:44:08+08:00

Happy Mothers Day!

I remember my mother's prayers and they have always followed me. They have clung to me all my life. --Abraham Lincoln, U.S.

Happy Mothers Day!2010-05-09T21:48:36+08:00
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