About bosanchez

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So far bosanchez has created 635 blog entries.

Always Plant For The Long Term

   Today, I’m starting a brand new series called Seasons. Let me ask you a question: What season are you in?  Filipinos

Always Plant For The Long Term2011-05-16T22:47:13+08:00

Your Sunday Is Coming!

God wants to be the MIP in your life. MIP stands for “most important person” How do I know? The Bible says that

Your Sunday Is Coming!2011-05-09T08:31:21+08:00

God Will Never Give Up On You

One day, there was a small barrio of farmers who were praying for rain to come.   Every Sunday at church, they’d gather

God Will Never Give Up On You2011-05-02T07:23:59+08:00

3 Things To Be Happy

            No 8-page article today.          Just a short note on how to be happy. A psychiatrist who’s been listening to thousands

3 Things To Be Happy2011-04-25T10:56:10+08:00

Your Story Can Change The World

        One evening, I was driving my family in a city with the most circuitous road network in the world.   And

Your Story Can Change The World2011-04-11T06:31:02+08:00

Are You Known By Your Kindness?

        Do you want to be truly happy?        Be kind.        Let me tell you a story. One day, a plane

Are You Known By Your Kindness?2011-04-03T22:25:34+08:00

Be Spiritually Contagious

Do you want to bring your loved ones closer to God? A lot of people ask me, “Bo, please pray that my

Be Spiritually Contagious2011-03-28T08:56:07+08:00

How To Enjoy Your Wealth

For 3 weeks, I’ve been sharing a 4-part series on money.  Here’s my last installment: How to Enjoy Wealth. Before I tell

How To Enjoy Your Wealth2011-03-14T07:29:04+08:00

Plant In The Spring Or Beg In The Fall

Do you want to prosper?        Then take this powerful message to heart: Plant In The Spring Or Beg In The Fall. It

Plant In The Spring Or Beg In The Fall2011-03-07T07:27:14+08:00
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