About bosanchez

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So far bosanchez has created 635 blog entries.

How Much Do You Love Yourself?

I believe that you must really love yourself to change. If you want to win over temptation, you have to heal your

How Much Do You Love Yourself?2012-04-02T07:29:03+08:00

Victory Is An Inside Job

        Today, I’d like to start a powerful series entitled, The Fighter. In these next three to four weeks, I want to teach you

Victory Is An Inside Job2012-03-26T08:04:04+08:00

God Believes You Can Prosper

Have you failed in life? I’ve met a lot of people who’ve made big messes in their life, they now think they

God Believes You Can Prosper2012-03-19T08:02:32+08:00

Do You Tip Or Tithe?

Warning: This will disturb you.  If you don’t want your quiet existence to be disturbed, stop reading. Get out of this page, quick.

Do You Tip Or Tithe?2012-03-12T07:44:26+08:00

Create Wealth For Your Old Age

       Today, I’d like to talk about Income vs. Wealth.            But before that, let me answer this question: Why talk about

Create Wealth For Your Old Age2012-03-05T08:08:17+08:00

Do You Have Patterns Of Success?

It’s easy to be a good boy or good girl once in awhile. It’s easy to love your spouse once in awhile. 

Do You Have Patterns Of Success?2012-02-20T08:31:29+08:00

Winners Are Planners

Failures don't plan to fail; they just fail to plan. Think about it. Have you ever met anyone who planned to fail? Someone who

Winners Are Planners2012-05-02T23:58:02+08:00
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