About bosanchez

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So far bosanchez has created 635 blog entries.

Discover What You Really Need

           Have you heard of the great Houdini? As a young boy, I loved reading about him.  Houdini was probably

Discover What You Really Need2013-02-10T21:59:39+08:00

Does Heaven And Hell Start Now?

  I believe that Heaven and Hell starts here, right here, right now.  How?  By the way you live your life each

Does Heaven And Hell Start Now?2013-01-28T09:35:00+08:00

How To Start Living In Heaven Now

  I have an announcement to make: You’re an immortal being.  You will never die. This is a bit difficult to swallow

How To Start Living In Heaven Now2013-01-14T09:38:27+08:00

Come Back To Your Spiritual Home!

Join me in my 14-Day “Come Home” Spiritual Pilgrimage 2013; We’ll go to “Home” to Rome, Assisi, Lourdes, Fatima…. And 6 other

Come Back To Your Spiritual Home!2013-01-09T08:38:06+08:00

If You Remove The Fluff…

Let me tell you an old story. Jeremy and Josh are neighbors.        One day, Josh and his wife had to go

If You Remove The Fluff…2012-12-24T16:03:29+08:00

Yes, God Will Give You Earthly Rewards!

(Note: This is the first of a three-part series. You’ll receive one part every Monday…) There’s a curious Bible passage where God says

Yes, God Will Give You Earthly Rewards!2012-12-17T07:10:42+08:00

Focus On Your Reward!

Perhaps you can identify with this story. I heard about this man whose eldest son was not doing well in school.  As

Focus On Your Reward!2012-12-09T21:40:08+08:00
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