Do you want to be happy?

One key to happiness is mastering the art of being. We’re supposed to be human beings. But we’re so busy, we’ve become human doings.

We’re not present in the here and now.

So let me give you the golden rule of living in the present moment:

Wherever you are, be there.

Even during the difficult moments of your life.

Do you get annoyed when . . .

1. you get stuck in traffic?
2. you wait in the doctor’s clinic for a long time?
3. you’re rushing and then receive a phone call?
4. you stand in a long line in the grocery?
5. your kid asks you for something while you’re talking to someone?
6. your friend drops by when you’re busy?

Instead of being annoyed, I suggest you receive these interruptions as gifts from heaven.
I also call these the “gifts of pause.”

I repeat: Wherever you are, be there.

This may sound strange, but I’ve come to enjoy traffic. Why?

When I’m in traffic, I’m forced to do nothing.

So I focus on God.

I reflect on my blessings.

I become deeply grateful.

Every time I’m stuck in traffic, I’m given a wonderful opportunity to practice the art of being, to live in the present moment.

I can hear you now.

“Bo, you’re nuts.”

Then the next story may change your mind.

Where You Are Now Is Exactly Where God Wants You to Be


One day, survivors from the 9/11 tragedy had a small gathering.

On that day, they shared the reasons why they were still alive. They were alive because of small, insignificant interruptions.

One man was late for work because his son started kindergarten that morning.

For another guy, it was his turn to bring donuts for the staff.

Another guy put on a new pair of shoes that morning. But along the way to work, he developed a blister. So he stopped by a drugstore to buy a Band-Aid. And that’s why he was still alive.

Interruptions are not so bad, after all.

Friend, next time you’re annoyed because you’re stuck in traffic, or you have to answer a phone call, or you have to repair your car, or any other little thing that may annoy you—thank God for that gift of peace, that gift of pause.

Remember: Where you are now is exactly where God wants you to be.

P.S. Do you live in Baguio City or nearby? I have great news for you! I will be in Baguio on August 3, 2024 for my “How To Make Millions in the Stock Market” seminar.

We’re going to teach you how to invest in the stock market the right and proper way. There are a lot of people being scammed or people doing it the wrong way because they’re in a hurry to make money and you know what happens? They lose all their money.

My dear friend, it’s time to make it happen. I want you to join me on that day and gain financial abundance. Gain financial freedom! It will not happen tomorrow, it will not happen the next day, or the next year, no, no. It’s the steady way of investing–the right way of doing it!

At that point, you will be able to help the poor because you have more than enough and that is what I want for you.

So, come and join us by clicking on the link, and grab your ticket.

I can’t wait to see you!

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