For the past two weeks, I’ve been writing about what to do when we’re in rock bottom.

Here’s my message for you today: Don’t lose hope.

When you hit Rock Bottom, God will be there to rescue you.

Open up yourself for God’s miracle.

But many times, His miracle comes in the way you don’t expect.

I Didn’t See God’s Answer Because I Didn’t Like His Answer

Many years ago, our Feast was still in Valle Verde Country Club. We had three sessions, and all sessions were jam-packed. We could no longer fit the 3,000 attending there.

So we prayed. Someone already told me that we should look into PICC as our next venue. My problem was that it was too expensive. At that time, we paid Valle Verde P70,000 per week. PICC was charging us P250,000 a week. That was three times the amount!

So we kept looking for another venue. But after months of searching, we couldn’t find one. In the meantime, Valle Verde was bursting at its seams.

Finally, we had no choice. With fear and trembling, we made the jump to PICC. That was four years ago. And we’ve never looked back. Fast forward today — from 3,000 members, we’ve grown to 20,000. And because we occupy PICC the entire day, we now have to pay more P1 million every week. But God has provided.

Here’s my realization: God already answered my prayer when we thought of PICC, but I didn’t want His answer.

Perhaps you’re praying for something. And God has already given you the answer, but because you were expecting something else, you couldn’t see the answer that was right in front of you.

Thank God I Failed in Business

Many years ago, I wanted to earn more money. I was very desperate. I was getting married soon and I had no money. (Thus, my potlock reception.)

And in my desperation, I put up all sorts of businesses—I sold hotdog, engine oil, squid balls, ice cream, herbal juice, even memorial plans. I remember even trying out the concert business. We invited foreign acts artists and big name artists. Believe me, I have never lost more money in my life. Every single one of those businesses failed. During that time, I felt so betrayed by God. I had to ask Him, “Lord, aren’t we friends? Why did you allow me to fail?”

But today, ten years later, I thank God He allowed me to fail. Because today, my current businesses are ten times bigger than all those small businesses combined.

If my earlier businesses didn’t fail, I would still be stuck in those small businesses, selling hotdog (that I didn’t eat because I’m semi-vegetarian), engine oil (that I didn’t know a single thing about), and memorial plans. (By the way, did you notice? When you sell memorial plans, you can’t tell the customer, “Free-Trial for 30 Days”.)

Friend, if you’re at rock bottom now, don’t lose hope.

The Bible says, “No testing has overtaken you that is not common to everyone. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tested beyond your strength, but with the testing he will also provide the way out so that you may be able to endure it.” (1 Corinthians 10:13)

Are you experiencing “rock bottom”?

Are you going through a rocky marriage?

Are you buried in debt?

Is your job making you so miserable, you want out?

Are you plagued by addictions?

Today, I pray that you accept your reality, accept your responsibility, and accept God’s rescue.

May you embrace your cross the way Christ embraced His, until you climb out of “rock bottom.”

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez