Finally, you can now watch the first episode of my reality TV show, Preacher in Blue Jeans. Today!
Hey, I need your help. Please write me your comments and suggestions on the “comments section” below.
In that way, I can improve the show as each day goes on.
Please help me make it the most inspiring TV show on planet earth!
When it comes to using media for God, my hero is Mother Angelica.
From a tiny garage, she made her first Catholic TV show.
And she did not stop.
Together with a handful of cloistered nuns (unbelievable, right?) in Our Lady of The Angels Monastery, Eternal Word Television Network or EWTN broadcasts to 127 countries and 118 million households all over the world.
Mother has her protestant counterpart.
According to Frank Hilario in his column for the American Chronicle (9/8/06), that’s Trinity Broadcasting Network with the likes of Benny Hinn, Robert Schuller, Joyce Meyer, and many others.
On the Catholic side, it’s Mother’s EWTN and Fr. Benedict Groeschel, Scott Hahn, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, Fr. Frank Pavone, etc.
Do you know how much does it cost to run EWTN each year?
In 2001, it cost $29 Million. I don’t know how much higher this year.
Yet for the past 25 years, EWTN was supported by donations alone.
I’m so inspired by Mother Angelica, I want to one day build a local, young, Filipino version of EWTN here in the Philippines. With lots of preachers in blue jeans sharing God’s Word to millions of Filipino viewers here and abroad 24 hours a day!
That’s our dream.
Help me make it possible!
First, write your comments and suggestions below.
Second, join the and support our ministry through your prayers and monthly love offerings.
Together with you and with God’s power at work in us, all things are possible!