February 10 to 20, 2015
Special Bonus:
You’ll Also Join A Feast
Right In The Old City of Jerusalem!
I know a lot of people who travel often.
I know a lot of people who take lots of holidays and vacations in different parts of the world–Hongkong, Bangkok, US, Europe–but they never consider taking a holy pilgrimage to Israel.
Friend, why not take a trip to the Holy Land and experience profound spiritual blessing?
I’m leading a holy pilgrimage to Israel on February 10, 2015.
And I’d love you to join me.
You can walk where Jesus walked.
We’ll go to Calvary where Jesus was crucified, Bethlehem, where Jesus was born, and Galilee, where Jesus preached–and so many other incredible places.
The first time I was in Israel was when I was 16 years old.
Since then, I’ve gone back over and over again.
It’s always a joy to see the actual places that you read in the Bible. It’s like the Bible coming alive–in technicolor–before you.
I’ll be bringing with me a friend priest.
He’ll celebrate Mass with us everyday.
I’ll also be bringing with me my fellow leaders.
It’ll be a ball!
We’ll have lots of fun, I can assure you.
Even now, I’m praying for all those who’ll come with me (I call them pilgrims). May God give my pilgrims a deeper spiritual connection!
May the Lord inspire my pilgrims to new directions in their life. May my pilgrims discover their mission and embrace it more fully, through this pilgrimage.
I see a pilgrimage as a long holy retreat.
Except that instead of staying in one place, we’re constantly moving. We’re moving towards God.
If you want to join me and be my pilgrim, email Beckie at beaconlightevents+pilgrimage@gmail.com now. Once the details of the pilgrimage are set, we’ll email the details to you.
See you soon!
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez
PS. Muslims go to Mecca at least once in their lifetime. I think Christians can take a pilgrimage once in their lifetime too. I’m personally inviting you to join me to Israel on February 10, 2015. For details, email Beckie at beaconlightevents+pilgrimage@gmail.com now.
PS2. Why Do I Call It “Receive Your Miracle” Pilgrimage? Because that’s my earnest prayer for you. That as you seek God in the Pilgrimage, your heart will open wider to receive His great miracle for your life. For details, email Beckie at beaconlightevents+pilgrimage@gmail.com now.