Fasting Journal: Day 6: Thank You For Joining My Crazy Adventures!
Note: This Is My Last Message To You From My Fasting Journal

After 6 days of juice fasting, I feel so healthy, clean, and at peace.

Physically, I’m detoxified.

Mentally, I’m relaxed and attuned.

Spiritually, I’m whole and connected.

Today, I joined the Good Friday service in my parish.

After which, instead of joining the procession, I decided to just take a quiet walk around our neighborhood. It was so beautiful. I felt so at peace. I can’t imagine how something so simple can be so refreshing. Walking is free, with no fancy equipment needed. As I walked, I reflected on God’s love–so how couldn’t I be refreshed?

As I passed my home to circle the block one more time, my 2-year old son was waiting at the gate. The little chubby fellow grabbed my hand and joined my walk around the block. Wow, that was a special treat from God right there.

Let me now share with you my little research on fasting.

I’ve come to realize that fasting is essential to great over-all health.

Chinese, Indian, and Tibetan medicine believe that the body has the power to heal itself, and one of the ways it can heal itself is by removing the source of many of our sickness–the accumulated pollution in our bodies.

Dr. Michael Rosenbaum, Director of the Orthomolecular Health Medicine Medical Society, says, “The hidden cause of many chronic pains, diseases and illnesses may be invisible toxins, chemicals, heavy metals and parasites that invade our bodies…”

My research says that an amazing number of diseases can be healed through prolonged juice fast. Because when we fast, our bodies go into detoxifying mode and autolysis, or what is also called “self-digestion”. That means our bodies decompose it’s own cells, starting with the aged, damaged, diseased, weakened, or dead cells.

Oh, I wish I wouldn’t stop fasting on my 7th day! Because I just read numerous people who fasted 40 days and more (under professional medical supervision)–and became healthier, stronger, and happier.

But alas, I have to end my fast Easter Sunday.

Because two days after, I fly to Europe to lead 70 Pilgrims in a Marian Pilgrimage–and it will be very difficult to find fresh vegetable and fruit juices while travelling. (Hectic travel too. We jump from city to city, riding planes and buses. In 15-days, we visit 4 countries–Italy, France, Spain, and Portugal.)

To those who fasted with me, I want to emphasize that you should gently break your fast–so that you don’t lose the physical benefits you gained through your fast. Break your fast with fruits and salads–with brown rice and steamed fish on the second and third day.

And more importantly, after your fast, make lifelong changes in your diet and lifestyle?

How about drinking fresh vegetables and fruit juices everyday?

How about eating a little lesser amount of food everyday? (No more gorging.)

How about eating less red meat? And eating more fruits and vegetables?

How about drinking more water?

How about taking quiet walks around your neighborhood everyday?

How about writing your journal daily?

Gosh, I’m already looking forward to my next juice fast–a longer one if possible.

I don’t know when I’ll do it, but I’ll tell you–and invite you to do it with me again. Game?

By the way, this will be my last entry in my fasting journal.

This will be the last “daily” email to you for Holy Week–and I’ll go back to emailing you just once a week. But you can of course check at my more frequent blog posts at and my daily TV show at

Friends, thank you for joining me in my crazy adventures.

And to those who fasted with me (and prayed with me), thank you so much.

It is my great honor that I had you as my fasting companions.

PS1. My next email to you–from somewhere in Europe! Watch for it.

PS2. For those living in Metro Manila and suburbs, join me at the FEAST this Easter Sunday, 9am, at the Arena, Pinaglabanan, San Juan (click here for a sketch). It’s going to very, very special. You’ll be blessed by God in a powerful way. See you there!

PS3. As early as now, readers have been writing me, thanking me for my newest book, 8 Secrets of The Truly Rich. You see, my office staff just mailed out that book to all KerygmaFamily members for FREE. It’s my Big “Thank You” Gift to those who partner with me in my work for the Lord with at least P300 a month (local) or $20 (international) a month. If you’re NOT yet a member of the KerygmaFamily, you’re missing the mountain load of spiritual nourishment we give away to members for FREE! Monthly Kerygma magazine, daily video talks, daily Bible reflections, and so much more! Click here and join your new spiritual family and support system now!

PS4. More and more people are asking me about homeschooling. Yes, we teach our kids at home. And yes, I started Catholic Filipino Academy, a homeschool center that provides parents who wish to teach their kids at home the training, teacher’s manuals, textbooks, and DepED accreditation for their children. If you want to teach your kids at home, email and ask for an article I wrote about homeschooling.