WHEN Jesus was 12 years old, He went with His parents to the Jerusalem Temple. On their way back home, they couldn’t find Jesus. Perhaps you’re wondering how in the world could they lose their son. Were they too busy?
Here’s a little background. This was a four-day trip and they travelled with other people. And men and women travelled separately. It’s quite possible that Joseph thought that little Jesus was with Mary and Mary thought that little Jesus was with Joseph. The Bible says, Three days later they finally discovered him. He was in the Temple, sitting among the teachers of Law, discussing deep questions with them and amazing everyone with his understanding and answers. (Luke 2:46-47 TLB)
Jesus wanted to connect with His Father. He was seeking God’s Word. And He did that by listening to religious teachers and asking questions. And Jesus told his parents, “But why did you need to search? Didn’t you realize that I would be here at the Temple, in my Father’s House?” (Luke 2:49 TLB)
Today, we want to remain in the Father’s House. But the Father’s House is no longer a concrete building. We’re now called the Temple of the Holy Spirit (see 1 Corinthians 6:19).
You Cannot Give What You Don’t Have
I want to talk to you today about HOTSPOT.
Hotspot means you have a gadget that does two things. First, connect to the Internet, and second, pass on that connection to other gadgets.
Have you noticed? There are a lot of “fake” Wi-Fis around. That’s what I call it. That’s the frustrating experience of walking in a mall, opening your phone to check Wi-Fi, and finding that the signal is very strong. Five bars! Whoohoo. Your hopes are up. You get excited. But when you open your Facebook… NOTHING. The Wi-Fi is a dud. You can’t connect to the internet. How come? The Wi-Fi gadget isn’t connected to the Internet. You cannot give what you don’t have.
This is the lofty goal of this amazing article, and the succeeding ones in the following days and weeks, HOTSPOT: To strengthen your God-Connection.
Because whether people know it or not, they are looking for a God-Connection. And they are looking for people to be their spiritual Wi-Fis. Some people show so much promise, because they’re religious. They go to church. They read the Bible. They’re emitting a five-bar signal. But soon, people find out it’s a dud. Because there’s no love. Only spiritual pride. Judgement. Arrogance. Labeling. Hatred.
Unless people have a strong connection with God where they receive His unconditional love, they cannot pass on this unconditional love to others.
Friend, I urge you: Connect with God today.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez