I’m the crazy guy who taught my maid how to invest in the stock market. She started by investing in solid companies P2,000 every month. And as the years went by, she kept increasing her monthly investments. After almost seven years of investing, she now has more than P1million. We had a little party at home when she became a millionaire.
What made her succeed?
She used the power of Small, Repeated Actions (SRAs).
She also said, “Until”.
She wouldn’t stop until she became a millionaire.
Today, because of our work in the TrulyRichClub, thousands of people will become millionaires like her.
But there’s this bank manager I met seven years ago. I also told him to do what I told my maid to do: “Invest small amounts every month in gigantic companies in the stock market.”
He said, “Yes, I read your book about it. I agree with what you teach. But I think it’s for other people. Not for me. I find it too slow. Perhaps later. Right now, I’m busy working on some big business deals that will make me big money in a quicker span of time.”
“You could do both,” I said.
“Yeah, I guess so.”
I met this guy recently. He’s still working in the bank. None of the big business deals that he was working on panned out. All of them failed. He even lost money.
But he had one good news to tell me: With much excitement in his voice, he said, “Bo, I’ve finally done it. I’ve opened an account in COLFinancial, joined your TrulyRichClub, and started investing.”
I said, “Great!”
He said, “Well, I just started, so it isn’t that great yet. I only have P5,000 in my portfolio…”
What he said made me think… The manager has P5,000 and the maid is now a millionaire.
Why? Because the manager underestimated the power of Small Repeated Actions. He went after big deals instead. Single Repeated Actions are more powerful than Big Rare Actions. (I wanted to make that an acronym, but decided against it.)
Friend, I urge you today: Do not underestimate the power of small.
Because these small actions, when repeated with consistence and commitment, will bring you much success.
May your dreams come true,
Bo Sanchez