Hi Friends,
I haven’t been able to upload new blog posts lately because I’m racing to finish my latest book, 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich. If you have ever built a house, you’ll know that the most time consuming (and most expensive) part is the finishing phase. Well, writing a book is the same. I see so many things to improve, I keep on editing endlessly. Anyway, in the next few weeks, I’ll be letting you read a few parts of my new book. Here’s the first installment… The Cover and the Preface. (Next Week: The Foreword.)
What The Rich Know That The Poor Don’t Know
8 Secrets Of
The Truly Rich
How You Can Create Material Wealth
& Gain Spiritual Abundance At The Same Time
This is God’s Recruitment Manual:
He Is Raising A New Breed Of Millionaires
Who Are Simple, Loving, & Generous…
Join Now!
#1 Bestselling Author of “Simplify & Live The Good Life” and “Simplify and Create Abundance”.
This Book Is About Changing
Your Inner Software
I believe we Filipinos have been programmed to be poor.
Especially Filipinos raised up with crazy religious beliefs.
For over 25 years, I’ve been working among the poor, living in their homes, and helping them get out of poverty.
I’ve found out that no matter how much money they receive, unless they change their inner program, nothing happens. They will remain poor forever.
Friend, do you have a money problem?
Read carefully: 90% of your money problems are mind problems.
People are not poor because they have no money. That’s merely the result, not the cause of poverty.
We’re poor because of a lethal combination of three giant monsters of poverty.
First, we really don’t want to be rich.
As shocking as this may sound, it’s true. Externally, we seem to want to be rich, but internally, we’re deeply conflicted in our unconscious desires. Because our distorted core beliefs about ourselves plus our crazy religious beliefs about money chain us to the prison of poverty.
Second, we are financially stupid. (To put it mildly.)
We don’t know how money works. And we don’t know how money grows. So we lose whatever little we have. Because what we know about money comes from friends and relatives who don’t have money themselves–and so they teach us from their ignorance. And school never taught us how money worked either because teachers didn’t know.
Third, we insist on walking, not riding vehicles towards wealth.
Even if there are hundreds–no thousands–of vehicles around us. In the pages of this book, I will explain what these vehicles are.
Friend, do you want to gain material wealth and spiritual wealth at the same time?
Then read this book as though you were a drowning person and this book was your oxygen. If you do this and apply all that you’ll learn, I promise you that you can solve your mind problems–which can lead to you solving your money problems.
(The excerpt above is the Preface of Bo Sanchez’ newest book, 8 Secrets of the Truly Rich. It will be published this March 2007. Do you want an authographed copy? Keep reading!) I’m giving it away for FREE to every KerygmaFamily member as my Thank You gift! See details below.)
Important Announcement #1:
I’m giving an autographed FREE copy of my new book, 8 Secrets Of The Truly Rich, to every KerygmaFamily member as my big Thank You gift.
I’m giving it to every KerygmaFamily member who regular supports the ministry with at least P300 or US$20 a month. If you haven’t signed up yet, join now. Log onto www.kerygmafamily.com and bless the world by being part of our ministry that shares God’s love through media and our work for the poorest of the poor.
Important Announcement #2:
Bo’s US & CANADA Preaching Tour 2007
I’m going to the US and Canada in May (West Coast) and June (East Coast) to speak at some Conferences. If you want me to speak to your group, email Angie at processing@dawnbreedlove.com. Because of the very few days available, Angie will have to prioritize bigger groups so that I could reach more people with the limited number of days I have in the area.
And in October 2007, I’m thinking of bringing the entire gang of Kerygma Preachers to stage the Botoks Concert in the US and Canada. If you want to organize the Concert in your city, email Angie at processing@dawnbreedlove.com right away. If there are enough events to make this feasible, we’ll do it.
Important Announcement #3:
Look what your love offerings have brought: Brand new features from KerygmaFamily:
1. You can now watch the Kerygma Feast online at KerygmaFamily.com or click here.
2. Kergyma Magazine now sports a new layout and a larger size. Do you like it? Let us know!
3. KerygmaFamily Online Support is being enhanced by setting up a call center. If you noticed the new Support Ticketing System, this is just the first effort to keep things organized and allow us to answer your concerns quickly.
4. More counsellors are being added to support the growing number of online members.
5. Kerygma Ambassadors will soon have an online training video featuring the top Ambassadors. Be an Ambassador now!
6. Questions? For your Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), just go to http://faq.kerygmafamily.com/. You can also find it in my website https://bosanchez.ph
Important Announcement #4: For bloggers!
If you’re a blogger or you have a site, please make a link to my site https://bosanchez.ph.and my blog http://blog.bosanchez.ph. I’m fairly new to blogging and I’m told you need “link love/exchange” in order to “make it” in the “blogosphere”. Of course, I’ll link back to you, too.
Important Announcement #5: Europe!
Bo Sanchez invites you to join The Marian Pilgrimage to Portugal, France and Italy (15 days from April 10 — 24, 2007). It will be led by Bo Sanchez and Fr. Joseph S.W. Skelton.
Estimated Cost Per Person on Twin Sharing US$ 3,380.00
Inclusive of Roundtrip Ticket, Local Tours, Air-conditioned Motor Coach, Hotel Accommodations, Breakfast and Dinner.
Airline Security/Departure Taxes US$ 195.00 *
Philippine Travel Tax PHP 1,620.00
Tip Fund US$ 140.00
Registration Ongoing: Please call BEACONLIGHT Development Center, Inc. at (+632) 722-9562 office hours and look for Beckie or email:beacon@philonline.com
Note: Visa Application at the Italian Embassy takes a minimum of 15 working days to a maximum of 2 months. Hurry.
Important Announcement #6:
A Cancer Survivors Support Group: incorporating psycho-emotional, spiritual approach as well as health and education to help cancer survivors and their caregivers/ families to cope with the illness. Each session will comprise varied activities from discussions on healthy living, guest speakers from the medical profession, sharings, and of course prayer.
2nd Saturdays, Feb 10 — Oct. 13, 2007; 2-5pm. Conducted by Light of Jesus Counseling Center.
Venue: Ground Floor, LIGHTHOUSE, 60 Chicago Street, Cubao, Quezon City
For reservations, please contact Victor at: 726-0267, weekdays from 10am — 6pm.