My wife Marowe is in the US with my two little boys for a break. 

My 84-year old mother and sister are there too. 

I would have loved to join them.   But I couldn’t. I had to lead a pilgrimage in Europe. Oh, I miss them soooo much, it’s painful.

I know. You must be laughing. Because we’ve been separated for only three weeks and that’s nothing compared to what other families go through.

Yes, I know. Still, I miss my little family.

By the way, I warned Marowe: The moment she arrives at the airport, I’m going to run to her and kiss her for two straight hours in front of everybody. I won’t let her go. The guards will have to carry me away if they want to.

So if you see in the front pages of the newspaper, “Preacher Disrupt Airport With Indecent Behavior” you’ll understand. Just in case, please visit me in prison and bring some food. My favorite is peanut butter.

I’m now writing this in my bedroom.

All alone.

I look out the window and see the dark sky.

I close my eyes. And I imagine. I imagine my heart flying around the planet and to embrace my most important treasure in life–my family. 

I now realize that God was right when He said in the Bible, “It’s not good for man to be alone.”

We need family. Friends. Community.

We can’t do it on our own.

To all the Filipinos out there who are separated from your families, I dedicate this short piece to you.

Perhaps I’ll never understand how it feels like to miss parents, spouses, children for one year, two years, five years, ten years… The pain must be unbearable.

I pray for you today.

I pray for God’s Love to embrace you.

Friend, I made a virtual family especially for you.  

To be your family wherever you are.

It’s called   It’s an international, borderless, non-physical community where you can receive a mountain load of spiritual nourishment. 

Even if you’re thousands of miles away, we’ll be connected through the internet. You’ll receive daily Bible reflections and monthly Kerygma magazines sent via email to you–to inspire you and enrich your life. All Free! (Donations to the ministry are totally optional. You don’t have to donate anything. But if you so choose to donate, we’ll thank you by mailing you the physical Kerygma magazine and special surprise gifts from me, all to bless your soul.)

Even through the internet, I’ll be your family.

Wherever you are.

Go to now.

May your dreams come true,

Bo Sanchez

PS. For those who are already members of the KerygmaFamily, thank you so much! It’s an honor to me to be related to you.   If you’re not yet a member, this is my personal invitation to you. Join me. Let’s be a family. And receive the mountain load of spiritual nourishment for your soul. Grow closer to God. Go to now!