She is 94 years old.

Abandoned by her family and living in poverty for years, Lola Toyang now lives on in Anawim, our home for the poorest of the poor.

          When I visited her last month, she kissed me for a long time. (On the cheeks!) With tears, she said, “Thank you for giving us a home.” (These are the perks of my job–getting kissed by lots and lots of women!)

Most of the time, Lola Toyang sits in a wheelchair and spends her days praying. She also loves talking to total strangers who visit her. Because almost all of the Lola’s and Lolo’s we’ve picked up from the streets don’t have families visiting them anymore. (By the way, Anawim residents pray for you, our supporters, three times a day. We lift you up and your needs seven days a week, twelve months a year. Just our little way of saying “Thank You” to you.)

Thirteen years ago, I founded Anawim, a ministry that picks up Lola’s and Lolo’s suffering and alone on the streets. We give them a home and care for them.  

If your own parents or grandparents are materially comfortable in life, there are many old people who are abandoned and alone. If you have a soft spot in your heart for the abandoned elderly, pray if God wants you to adopt a Lola or Lolo in Anawim. How? By giving a small amount each month to Anawim. You’ll receive a description of the Lola or Lolo you’re adopting. For more information on how you can do this, please email Sol Saura at now. 

I know God will bless you for your generosity!

          May your dreams come true,

          Bo Sanchez

PS. When you and I go to Heaven, I don’t believe your rewards will be smaller than mine. Even if I’m a preacher. I believe we’ll all get the same rewards because we’re partners in this great work! Because I can’t do a single thing without your faithful and generous support. If you want more information on how you can help our abandoned elderly in Anawim, please email Sol Saura at now. May the Lord reward you abundantly!