Day 6: How Can You Be Healed?
From Lourdes To Nice, France

This morning, we had a lovely open-air Mass at the Lourdes Grotto itself. We were all in hats and raincoats under the gentle rain. It was simply beautiful.
It was a concelebrated Mass–with priests from America, Ireland, France, and the Philippines leading us. Around me were beautiful people of faith–Koreans, French, English, Africans, Americans… It was amazing. There were moments I felt I was in Heaven.
Imagine: All races, all cultures, all colors side by side, shoulder to shoulder, wearing different clothes, speaking different tongues, all praying to one God.
As expected, the Filipino pilgrim group was the choir of the international Mass. After the Mass, the main celebrant praised us as a “world class choir”. (Naks. I notice this phenomenon everywhere I go around the planet–Filipinos are the Mass choirs of the world!)
After last minute shopping for religious stuff, we left enchanting Lourdes.
It was a long 700+ kilometer drive to Nice in the French Riviera. That was one long ride in the bus, which gave the pilgrims ample time for sharing. We asked them, “What was the most memorable thing that happened the past six days?”
Almost to the last person, each one said, “Bathing in Lourdes.”
Here are their words to describe this incredible experience: “I was revitalized”; “I wept like a baby”; “I felt changed”; “I was healed…”
Yes, healing did happen. One of our pilgrims is Lola May. At 77-years old, Lola May was suffering from glaucoma and cataracts. She was scheduled to have an eye operation, but Lola May decided to spend her money on the pilgrimage instead.
This is what happened after the healing waters touched her eyes. She said, “I could now read without my glasses!” We were in tears as we heard her story.
Let me describe the bathing ritual of Lourdes to you.
In pools located inside small, private chambers beside the Grotto, each person undresses and wears a wrap-around cloth. Volunteers assist you all the way, praying for you and helping you step down the freezing waters. A few seconds later, they help you rise out of the pool. Because of the huge difference of temperature between the water and your body, you don’t have to wipe your body dry. Your body dries up by itself in seconds.
The pilgrims shared how this simple experience was utterly transformational. Much more than physical healing, I’m sure many experienced spiritual and emotional healing.
But friends, you don’t have to go to the waters of Lourdes to receive healing. Because I’ve seen God heal countless of people by simply being prayed over, by a simple prayer meeting, or by the Holy Mass. The effects are the same anywhere around the world.
How does one get healed anyway?
First, by a deep trust that “something good is going to happen to me”. By opening yourself to miracles, by visualizing the healing, and ultimately by surrendering yourself to God’s love.
Second, healing usually happens when we remove the psychological roots of the disease, such as bitterness, anxiety, worry, fear, and too much stress.
So take a spiritual vacation and “de-stress”. Step back from your daily routine and unload your emotional burdens. Forgive your enemies. Surrender your problems. Expect miracles. And deepen your relationship with God.
Everyone can get spiritually healed, which is the most important healing. And when the spirit is healed, our bodies usually follow, because our bodies and spirits are one.

Friend, receive your healing today!

Tomorrow, I’ll talk about how to find God in unexpected places.


I remain your friend,

Bo Sanchez

PS. I’m giving a workshop on How To Be Truly Rich on May 5, 2007, from 8 to 12noon, in Quezon City. Thanks to generous sponsors subsidizing the cost of this event, from what was originally priced it at P975, we were able to bring down the seminar fee to P475 only per person. Change your financial life. Call Tel. 7229562 (look for Beckie) or email for more information.

PS2. Each month, I send to my partners FREE issues of Kerygma magazine plus my Life Dreams Success Journal, for free. (The Life Dreams Success Journal is a small powerful tool I made that has already helped thousands of people fulfill their goals in life.) Yes, I give these to all KerygmaFamily members who support the ministry through a monthly love offering of at least P100 (local) or $20 (international). If you’re not yet a KerygmaFamily member, log onto now and receive Kerygma magazine each month plus the Life Dreams Success Journal for FREE. Don’t miss this month’s issue! Log on now at

PS3. KERYGMA TV will be back starting May 8, 2007 at 10:00 p.m. on ABC 5. Don’t miss it!