Day 4: Big Problems Are God’s Taps On The Shoulder

From Burgos to Loyola, Spain

This morning, we left Burgos and rode off to Loyola. Yes, the birthplace of St. Ignatius de Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus. I felt right at home. Why? I studied in Ateneo–a school run by the Jesuits–so Ignatius is close to my heart.
In this exact place some 400 years ago, Ignatius was a soldier who lived a life of much wine and many women. He was far from God. But one day, he got gravely wounded in battle. Not knowing whether he would live or die, Ignatius had a deep spiritual conversion experience that would rock his world. He gave his life to God and called others to also do the same. Thus, he formed the Society of Jesus–which by the way, is the largest congregation of priests in the world today.
For some people, tragedy is God’s “tap on the shoulder”. (I’m not saying God caused it. Read this poetically, not literally.) A crisis in life wakes us up from a meaningless life to live a life of blessing, love, and great purpose.
For Ignatius, it was being severely wounded in battle.
What is your “tap on the shoulder”?
What crisis calls you back to God?
Of course, our big problem doesn’t feel like a “tap on the shoulder”. More often, it feels like a giant boulder crushing us!
Friends, I strongly recommend that you don’t wait for a crisis.
I suggest you give your life to God without His “tap”.

PS. I wish to thank all those who have written to me, thanking me for sending them each month the inspiring Kerygma magazine for FREE, plus my Life Dreams Success Journal. (The Life Dreams Success Journal is a small powerful tool I made that has already helped many people write their dreams, thus helping them fulfil their goals.) Yes, I give away a FREE all-year subscription of Kerygma magazine plus the Life Dreams Success Journal to all KerygmaFamily members who support the ministry through a regular monthly love offering of at least P100 or $20 only. If you’re not yet a KerygmaFamily member, log onto now and receive Kerygma magazine each month plus the Life Dreams Success Journal for FREE.

PS2. I’m still receiving a lot of questions on why I homeschool my sons. If you’re interested in homeschooling your kids, you can email and ask for an article I wrote about homeschooling, and we’ll email it to you.

PS3. Journey to Personal Growth Live-in Seminar

This live-in retreat invites you to take a deeper look into the dynamics of your personality, move beyond its confines, and discover your true nature or essence. It aims to help you increase your self-understanding, know the true motives of your behavior, understand your fears, desires, defenses, anxieties. As you grow in self-awareness, this will facilitate the process of self-transformation. To be conducted by the Light of Jesus Counseling Center.

Date: August 25-26, 2007
Schedule: Overnight Retreat starting 8 AM Saturday up to 4 PM on Sunday
Venue: To be announced
Seminar Fee: P1,800.00
For reservations please call Cathy Deyto at tel no (632).7260267