(Note from Bo: I asked my friend Jojo Apollo to write to you today about traumas and phobias.  Jojo is an NLP expert who has helped many of my friends get healed from phobias, compulsions, and traumas that have enslaved them for decades.  If you’re interested to learn from him, read below…  Blessings, Bo)


How To Help People With Phobias and Traumas

By Jojo Apolo


When people learn that I help people overcome phobias and traumas using Neuro-Linguistic Programing (NLP), the response is overwhelming.

Let me give you an analogy.  Just as in the past, doctors did not know about the “germ theory”.  Many died of infections because they did not clean the wounds.  Likewise, NLP is the new “brain theory”.  If you understand it, and you can overcome phobias, traumas, and limiting beliefs.  Combined with prayer and love, you have a formidable tool!

Honestly, I actually started learning about NLP phobia and “trauma reframing” with unbelief.  I didn’t think it would work.  When I attended my NLP training, I watched how our trainer was able to help a participant overcome her phobias.  I said to myself, “Hmmm, that’s cool… but can I really help others if I do it?”  

My first “guinea pig” was my daughter…


My First Case Was My Daughter–

At Least If I Failed, No One Would Know!


My daughter broke up with her boyfriend and was crying profusely.  When I saw her eyes swollen, I was really sad as a father.  I said to myself, why not try the technique on her?  If it failed, at least I tried–and my reputation would be intact because no one would know.

So I asked her, “Carissa, would you like to be relieved of this pain?”.   She looked at me with bewilderment and said, “Of course Dad.”  I said, “I just learned an NLP technique that will accelerate the fading of painful memories.  There is nothing to lose, if it works, then you’ll feel better.”

I guess she was desperate enough, because she agreed to the crazy ideas of her Dad. 

I asked her to close her eyes so she could concentrate. 

Honestly, I was doubtful it would work.  And not knowing the steps by heart, I had to take my notes in my hand and I did the steps to her while reading my workbook… 

After going through the process, I asked her, “How do you feel?”  She said, “I still feel the same.  It still hurts so much…”  

My heart sank.  Beneath my breath, I said, “I knew it.  It doesn’t work.”

But then, as I read my workbook, it said that if it doesn’t work the first time, I should do it again. 

So I asked my daughter to relax and observe more to see if she was really following the steps. 

I tried it a second time. 

But this time, I noticed her facial expressions change.  I asked her again, “How are you?” and she said, “Wow Dad, I truly feel relieved and not as sad anymore.  Thank you!”   

The following morning, she felt truly better and was almost her bubbly and joyful self again.


My Next Case: Another Love Problem?


The next day, Carissa asked me to talk to her friend who also broken off with her boyfriend.  And her friend was still feeling terrible about the break-up, even after several months.  (I wondered.  Will this be my specialty?  Will I be a heartbreak doctor?) 

She told me, “Dad, if it worked for me then it should work for her too.”

“Okay,” I said, wondering what I got myself into. 

She hurriedly pulled me to her room, and to my surprise, her friend was on skype.  (We were in Jakarta and her friend was in Manila.)   I murmured to myself, “Gosh, only my second case, and I have to do it online?”

But I really wanted to help.  And since this was my daughter’s friend, I did what I could.

After chatting for awhile, I proceeded with the session. 

After a few minutes, I was amazed how even just through skype, I could see her face change.  After the session, she said, “Wow Uncle, I’ve never felt this much peace.”  I couldn’t believe it.  My heart was leaping for joy just seeing this happening right in front of me–many miles away.

But I had a big question in my mind.  I’m able to help traumas.  Will this thing work with phobias?


My First Phobia Case


People in my office learned that I went through this special training.  That was when Edy, one my office managers, asked for my help. Edy had a 10-year old son who loved riding the roller coaster.   With deep sadness, he told me, “Jojo, I feel ashamed every time my son asks me to ride the rollercoaster with him.  I have a phobia for rollercoasters.  I just can’t do it.  I’d vomit and die right there!”

So this was my first phobia case.  Right at that moment, I went through the process with him.

At the end, I asked if he felt confident about riding the roller coaster.  He smiled and said, “Yes!”  He told me that he has never said yes in his life before.

After two weeks, he came to me smiling from ear to ear.  And with two thumbs up, he said,  “Jojo, I rode the rollercoaster with my son last weekend!”

I told myself, “My gosh, this thing really works…” 

You see, I love helping families.  For years now, one of my volunteer services in church is helping couples and parents build better families.  That day, I didn’t only remove Edy’s phobia.  I also made him feel closer to his son. 

That day, I knew I had to continue helping people with the knowledge that I had.


A Fear Of Cockroaches


One day, a friend asked me to help his daughter who was scared of cockroaches.  She’d literally jump and scream if she saw one.  Big or small, flying or crawling, it didn’t matter.  She’d run!

I did the steps with her.  It just took 15 minutes.  At the end, she was surprised by how she felt.  She felt she was no longer afraid of cockroaches.  “Is what I’m feeling true?” she asked me.  “Yes,” I assured her.

We ate lunch after that, chatting. 

And then the test came.

Suddenly, a small cockroach passed right in front of her. 

What I saw next was incredible. 

Using her bare hand, she calmly slapped the cockroach dead with one stroke.  She then swept it off the table.

She said, “Oh my gosh…. Wait a minute.  Did I do that?  Wasn’t that a cockroach?”

“Yes,” I said, “you killed it with your bare hand.”

Her eyes bulged and said, “I’m truly healed!”


But Sometimes, NLP Isn’t Enough


       I’ll be the first one to tell you that NLP is just a tool.  Sometimes, the problem is more spiritual in nature.  And being a committed Catholic, I know that there are times when prayer is the only thing that can help someone’s phobias or traumas.

Last week, I gave my Seminar to a group of managers. 

In the audience was a 35 old guy who had this phobia of not being able to sleep alone.   He always needed a companion with him. 

I want to share this story with you: To help him, I used 50% NLP technique and 50% prayer.

Before the Seminar, I asked him to rate his difficulty of sleeping alone.  From a scale of 1 to 10–with 10 being the most intense–he rated himself a 10.  After doing the NLP techniques together, I was surprised that he still felt a 5; I know that’s a big reduction for many people and he should be happy…  But I’m not used to that result today.  Normally, people tell me their phobias go down to 2 to flat 0!

So I asked him how he knew it was a 5.  What he told me was very interesting.  He said he felt someone was shadowing him. 

And then he told me a fascinating story.  Apparently when he was in high school, he signed a certain “alliance” with a spirit to protect him.  But later on, he regretted it and burned the document.   It became apparent to me that he had to be prayed over for deliverance. 

So I knew NLP will never completely help him.  This was a spiritual issue.  It now had to be prayer.  So after ascertaining that he was a Christian, I prayed over him. Immediately after the pray over, his fear of sleeping alone was gone.


You Can Learn This Simple Technique


Today, I believe that this simple technique is very powerful and should be shared to everyone.  And because we’re Christians, we complete what is missing with this technique: When combined with prayer and love, it becomes such a formidable tool.

       Over time, I’ve personally helped many people with phobias using this simple technique… phobias with heights (shaking profusely while only on the 2nd step of a ladder), snakes, cockroach, mice, rats, worms, papaya, ghost….  I’ve also helped people with traumas, such as heartbreaks, family rejections, hurts…

       I live in Jakarta.  This August 11 to 12, I’ll be flying to Manila to conduct a How To Heal People With Phobias And Traumas Workshop. It’s designed to train you with the NLP tool so you can help others.

Since I am a Certified Trainer and Master Practitioner of NLP, I can give a NLP Basic Practitioners Training for Professionals and charge P 30,000 or more per person.  But I’d rather serve more people by making the workshop more affordable to those who would like to learn this technique to help others. So the learning fee is very low at P6975 ONLY per person.  (By the way, I’m not doing this to earn money. In fact, I’m donating whatever profits from the seminar for ministry work.)

Come join me on August 11 to 12 (Sunday to Monday), 2013 at Pasig City (beside ULTRA).

Help yourself and help others.

To register, email Meann at beaconlightevents+seminar@gmail.com



God bless you,



Jojo Apolo


PS. I’ll only accept a very limited number of participants.  To register, email Meann at beaconlightevents+seminar@gmail.com
