Attention: Singles Searching For Answers…

How To Find Your

One True Love


By Bo Sanchez


3 Months “Take Home” Course & 4 Big Bonuses

September 8, 2007

9pm to 4pm

I Joined Your Seminar And It Set Me Free!

Dear Bo,

I attended your seminar on how to find your one true love, I finished reading your book, watched the DVD and read the course manual. Guess what?!  I finally got out of my dead-end relationship–as you taught us. Nope, he’s not married but has another GF. Sorry, if it took awhile before I realised I had to do it now.

Please pray for me… I hope I wont go back (if he wants me back) until he meets my condition. It’s very hard to let go… My condition is of course, to see me only when he is free to love me exclusively.  In the meantime, I will make myself busy and attractive ;).

            Thanks a lot for the constant reminders even if you are not here with me physically :). They make me keep my promise to myself, to my friends and to the Lord.


“Finally Free”


Single People, this is what you’ve been waiting for–for a long, long time!  Do you also have these disturbing questions?

·        How will I know if God wants me to get married or remain single?

·        What prevents me from finding my One True Love? 

·        Is there really just one person for me out there? 

·        Can the woman make the first move?

·        Should I just wait on God to give me a spouse?

·        How will I know if this man (or woman) is really for me?

·        What will I do if no one is courting me?

·        What will I do if there are no potential spouses around?

·        Should I make a list of qualities I want in a spouse?  Are my expectations too high?

Do you feel that your questions are unanswered and you feel like you’re stuck in life? 

This Course & Seminar Has The Answers

You’ve Been Looking For… And Much More!

Bestselling Author Bo Sanchez will preach in his usual no-holds-barred, blunt-in-your-face, and humorous style about one of the most complicated, sensitive, perplexing areas of life. This is what will happen to you: From being directionless and without purpose, you’ll go home after the One Whole Day Seminar thrilled and blown away by the fact that you’re now armed with a specific plan of action about what to do with your life. You’ll realize that the One Whole Day Seminar is already worth the entire price!  But the Seminar is just the beginning.

In This Course, You’ll Receive The Following:

1.    You’ll learn how to discern God’s Will for your state-of-life.

2.    You’ll learn the 7 keys of discernment needed for all the really big decisions of life–even those not connected to the decision of remaining single or getting married–but all major choices of life.

3.    You’ll learn the 8 Powerful Steps on how you can attract your Lifetime Partner.  You have never heard them presented in this way.  They will shock you–how practical, doable they are!  After you learn them, you’ll tell yourself, “Why didn’t anyone tell me these things before? Then I wouldn’t be where I am now!”

4.    You’ll discover the myths that have created havoc in your personal life and previous relationships.  These crazy myths rule the romantic world–and you’ll learn how to be free from them.

5.    You’ll discern the internal blocks that have made you stuck in your lovelife–why you’re still unmarried until now.

6.    You’ll receive Bo’s 150+ page “One True Love” Course Manual.

7.    BONUS #1: You’ll receive Bo’s bestselling book, “How To Find Your One True Love”.

8.    BONUS #2: You’ll receive Bo’s 8 Audio Talks on CD for FREE.

9.    BONUS #3: You’ll receive Bo’s 8 Video Talks on DVD for FREE.

10. BONUS #4: You’ll receive Bo’s Life Dreams & Success Journal for FREE.

11.   Finally, and most important, you’ll receive an intense, dynamic, and incredibly fun Live Seminar taught personally by Bo Sanchez on September 8, 2007.

A Letter From Bo:

This Course Will Shock You.

You’ll learn stuff in this course that will contradict almost everything you’ve heard so far about attraction, finding love, romance, courtship, engagement, and preparing for marriage.

            Can I be blunt?  Here’s one major, MAJOR, reason why you’re NOT married yet… even after years of waiting and waiting and waiting…

You’ve got wrong beliefs

So wrong, they’re way out of the Solar System.

            So to help you find your Lifetime Partner, I will, in this Course, smash (destroy, demolish, crash, obliterate) all your wrong beliefs to the rocks.  These will include…

* Crazy beliefs that you’ve gotten from religious leaders  (Yep, them too.)

* Insane beliefs that you’ve inherited from friends or family

* Nutty beliefs that you’ve gotten from media (That’s obvious.)

            If you’re ready to change your life, change your beliefs, (and possibly change your status!), and have the guts to do it, then I dare you, go ahead…


Relationship Expert Bo Sanchez will answer your questions head-on.  A fair warning: Taking this course will liberate you from all the wrong beliefs and behaviours that have prevented you from finding your One True Love.

Your Investment For Your Future

We used to offer this 3-Month Exclusive Course & Whole-Day Seminar for P5,000.00++.  But because Bo wants to help more singles avail of this life-changing Course, he insisted that we offer the whole package at a super special discounted price of P2,975 only.

But if you are the first 9 people to register, you get it at a steal: The Early-Bird Offer is only P2,475! So hurry before you run out of time!

100% Guarantee–Or Your Money Back PLUS P500.

We’re backing this up with a Full Guarantee: If you feel the Course has NOT helped you become a more attractive, more confident, happier single person–we’ll return 100% of your fee–plus P500–for your wasted time and inconvenience–No Questions Asked.  That’s how much we believe this Seminar will help you.

Call Now!

For Reservations, Call Beckie at (632)7229562 (Tuesdays to Fridays 9am – 6pm) or email