Spending time with each other must be a pattern–or it won’t happen.

You can’t say, “When I have free time, I’ll play with my kids” or “Whenever my schedule lightens up, I’ll date my spouse”.  Believe me, they’ll never happen.

My wife and I set aside Tuesday night for our weekly date night.

Nothing touches that sacred time.  Unless the Pope calls me up to ask for my opinion on some Theological issue.  Or the Head of the United Nations requests for a videoconference with me on certain world issues he needs clarity on.

This is what “Create Patterns” means.  I don’t accept any speaking engagements or place any of my meetings on Tuesday nights.  This isn’t easy.  I lead several non-profit organizations, three of which are international.  I also run a few small businesses.  But for over 17 years now, my wife and I have been faithful to our Tuesday nights.

And for my kids?  On Mondays, I have a lunch with my youngest son and dinner with my oldest.  We talk about life and how to conquer the world.

Patterns don’t just happen.  I make them happen regularly–or they don’t happen at all

Next week, I’ll tell you one more thing you can do to build a stronger relationship…

May your dreams come true,

 Bo Sanchez


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