How to set your goals and have the passion to achieve them

Are You A Beggar Or A Farmer?

This is God’s big message for you today: God gives seeds, not fruits.   When God gives a fruit, He’s really giving the

Are You A Beggar Or A Farmer?2011-01-31T08:53:33+08:00

Change Your Words, Change Your Life

Someone asked me, “Bo, I want to change my life.  I pray. I read the Bible. I attend a prayer meeting. What else can

Change Your Words, Change Your Life2011-01-24T07:15:27+08:00

What You Can Conceive, You Can Achieve

May I bless your year? Here’s my prayer for you: In 2011, you’re not going to experience a drizzle of blessings. You’ll not

What You Can Conceive, You Can Achieve2011-01-17T06:36:42+08:00

2 Ingredients For Creating Your Miracle

Today, God wants to tell you, “Child, I have given you the capacity to create your miracles. I merely supply the raw materials. But

2 Ingredients For Creating Your Miracle2010-10-18T08:25:37+08:00

Are Your Wishes Powerful?

        The hilarious (sometimes crazy) Fr. Eric Santos is a good friend of mine. One day, he told me this story.       

Are Your Wishes Powerful?2011-06-08T20:24:53+08:00
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