In order to flow in abundance, you need to wish God’s wishes.

Let me begin by talking about Science.

I Flunked Science


When I was in school, I was never a fan of Science or Math.

In fact, I flunked in Biology, Algebra, Chemistry, Trigonometry, and Physics. (Why someone had to invent the complexities of Trigonometry is beyond me!)

I was never able to memorize the Chemistry Table. 

Here’s something even more embarrassing. I was never able to memorize the Multiplication Table. 

The only Table I was able to memorize was the Cafeteria Table.  My favorite subject was Lunch. I memorized every doodle, graffiti, and bubble gum underneath.

       Both Science and Math weren’t my thing.  

       My mother always taught me to be consistent. So my Science and Math grades were consistently 75%.

But seriously, I liked English.  

Why? Because we read nice stories.

I especially liked magical stories of Genies popping from lamps and Frogs turning into Princes and Wizards and Knights battling together.

And the reason why I liked Lunch was because my classmates and I could act out those magical stories. In a blink of an eye, we became Superman, Voltes V, Bruce Lee, and Spiderman.

       To my mind, Science was black and white.

But stories were magical. Colorful. Alive. Happy. Unpredictable.

Ironically today, Science is going through a violent overhaul. In one sense, Science has realized that Magic exists, and they want to explain why it exists.

Albert Einstein tore apart the predictability of Isaac Newton. The Theory of Relativity is exactly that: Things no longer fit in our traditional understanding of the universe.

Now more than ever, researchers are studying what they call “scientific anomalies”. Or what I playfully call Magic.


Wishing Has Power

       Researchers have been studying the power of wishing.

This story will blow you away.

In 1994, a surgeon named Dr. Bruce Moseley operated on the knees of ten patients who were complaining of arthritic pains.

But in reality, he operated only on two of them.

For the eight other patients, he performed fake surgery.

This is what he basically did: He took his scalpel, sliced the skin with three incisions, and sewed them up immediately.


After six months, all ten of them got healed!


That’s the power of wishing.

You might say, “But Bo, isn’t that obvious? That’s the Placebo effect. Your wishes have an effect on your body. But does it have an affect on someone else’s body?”

Science says “Yes”.

How They Resuscitate Patients Today

When a patient is being resuscitated, nurses would escort family members of the patient out of the room. So they won’t interfere with the procedure. That was S.O.P. for many decades.

But not anymore.

Because after much research, statistics show that if there are family members in the room, praying and wishing for the patient, the success rate of the resuscitation goes up by 25%.

How come?

Science cannot explain this.

But people of faith can explain it easily.

It’s Written In Our DNA

       Let me tell you a true story.

       One day, Dr. Paul Pearsall was giving a lecture on the power of wishing to a huge group of fellow-scientists.

       As he was talking, a scientist in the front row made his displeasure very obvious. Every so often, he rolled up his eyes and shook his head in disbelief.

       Dr. Pearsall stopped his speech at midstream and asked the gentleman, “Sir, is there anything bothering you?”

       The man said, “What you’re talking about is superstition. This isn’t science.”

       So the lecturer said, “If you don’t believe in wishes, can I make an experiment? I come from Hawaii. In Hawaii, there are Kahunas or Healers. Some of them have the power to make an evil wish. Since you don’t believe in the power of wishes, may I use their ancient ritual to make a wish that you die today?”

       The man said, “I know what you’re trying to do. But go ahead. You can be sure I’ll be eating my breakfast tomorrow.”

       Dr. Pearsall said, “But there’s also a way you can reverse the negative wish. According to our ancient traditions, all you have to do is rub your nose counter clockwise for one solid minute.”

       In reality, Dr. Pearsall was making all this up!

       And he was never going to make a negative wish.

       But he pretended to make one. He closed his eyes and made ritualistic movements.

       After which, the good doctor continued to speak. 

It didn’t take long for the audience to burst out laughing.

       Because a cameraman caught the skeptic on the front row doing something queer. Displayed on the overhead screen for all to see, the scientist, trying very hard to hide himself, was rubbing his nose vigorously! When he saw that everyone was watching him, his face turned red with embarrassment.

       Because deep down, we believe in the power of wishing!

The Greatest Magic Of All

Your wish is powerful.

Your wish is like a little pebble thrown into the pond of the universe. When the pebble hits the water, ripples are created, spreading its impact far and wide.

Your wish impacts the world around you.

Scientific studies are now showing that when you wish, “magic” happens. Molecules move. Biochemical reactions take place. Anomalies occur. The universe conspires and engineers and synergizes to make your wish come true.

Let me repeat what I said before: I believe God has rigged this beautiful universe to work in this magical way.

And I believe God’s Love is the most powerful magic in the universe.

God’s Love created this universe. 

And God’s Love is the pulsating, vibrating power that sustains everything–from eternity to eternity.

I believe that God’s Love is still moving, working, and blessing every single atom of this universe. 

Albert Einstein calls the stuff of all matter energy

Physicists now say that everything–a chair, a solar system, a mosquito, an ocean, or even a human thought–is nothing else but energy. They’re made up of the same thing.

Well, I call that energy God’s Love!

Wish God’s Wishes

This is why you need to learn how to wish God’s wishes.

To dream God’s dreams. 

To desire God’s desires. 

In other words, join the flow of God’s Love. 

If I’m a loving, forgiving, and compassionate person, my prayers are no longer just my prayers. I pray the prayers God wants me to pray. 

When I wish God’s wishes, I join myself in the flow of God’s Love. I join myself in the river of God’s abundance.

What Does It Mean

To Pray In Jesus’ Name?

Listen to this huge promise.

Jesus said, If you ask mefor anything in my name, I will do it. (John 14:14)

Wow. Think about it.

That’s why we pray our prayers “In Jesus’ Name”.

But what does it mean?

Friend, let me explain.

Note: I didn’t read this from any book. I didn’t hear this in Theology class. I didn’t hear this from another preacher.

If I’m mistaken, then please blame me alone.

I stumbled upon this definition after wrestling with God’s Word and trying to understand God’s ways these past 30 years.

When you “pray in Jesus name”, you’re saying that if Jesus were in your place, He would be praying the exact same prayer.

       Praying in Jesus’ name means praying with the heart of Jesus.

       Praying in Jesus’ name means being another Jesus in the world. Being His hands, His feet, His mind, His presence in the world.

What Does It Mean

To Pray According To God’s Will?

       Here’s another great promise: The Bible says, we are sure that he hears us if we ask him for anything that is according to his will. (1 John 5:14)

But someone told me it wasn’t too great. He asked me, “Bo, why will I bother to pray for God’s Will? If it’s God’s Will, then it’ll happen whether I pray or not, right?”

I’ve heard that question many times.

It comes from a wrong concept of God’s Will.

       For many people, God’s Will is about knowing “Whether to migrate to the US or not,” or “Whether to work in Company A or Company B,” or “Whether to buy Car A or Car B.”

       Let me clarify this as loud as I can: God’s Will isn’t about details. We think it is. That’s why many Christians get paralyzed. They can’t move. Because they think God’s Will is in the details. They’re afraid of making mistakes.

       If God wanted to micromanage our lives, He should have created robots. But He didn’t do that. He created us with phenomenal imagination, creativity, and beautiful intelligence. Stuff He would want us to use!

       Here’s what I believe: God’s Will isn’t about details but about direction. About vision. About mission.

He leaves the details to us.

       So what is God’s Will?

       Here’s my answer: In essence, God’s Will is to love like Jesus.

       This is God’s Will for your life. To be another Jesus in the world. To bring Heaven down on earth. To be God’s embrace to the people in your life.

       How will you love like Jesus?

God leaves that up to you.

Indeed, He gives us so much freedom.

Because He trusts us so much.

Let me say it again: Prayer isn’t changing God’s Will.

Prayer is changing our will.

Prayer is entering into the flow of God’s Love that’s flowing like a river around you. Prayer is being that river of God’s Love to the people around you. We pray God-ordained prayers. We pray God-appointed desires.

Do You Row or Do You Ride?

You can live in two ways in this universe: You can row your boat or you can ride your boat.

First, you can choose to row your boat.

If you live in selfishness, bitterness, and pride, you’ll be like someone in a little boat trying hard to move against the current of the river. You’re straining against the flow, your arms tired from rowing, your fingers numb and blistered from gripping the wooden oars.   Your prayers are your prayers alone. They don’t represent the heart of God. You’re not moving in the flow.

Or you could choose the second option: to ride your boat.

If you live in love, you’ll be like a man sitting in a little boat, whistling and relaxed, being carried in the gentle current of a river.

You don’t have to row.

You allow the flow of abundance to bring you to where it’s going–because that’s also where you want to go. Because you’re wishing God’s wishes.

Hey, I’m not saying you don’t work.

Nor am I saying you won’t have problems, for you’ll surely meet rocks along the way.

But if you flow in God’s abundance, you’ll experience miracles everyday. You’ll experience divine interruptions, little things falling into place.

My friend, I pray you find yourself in the flow of God’s Love.

Let me end with one last personal story.

My Two Boys Were First Placers

       Please allow me to brag.

Yesterday, my two boys joined a swimming competition.

       And both of them won first place.

       Let me tell you about Bene’s race.

       I was there to video the entire thing.

When the starting gun fired, Bene and 5 other 10-year old boys dove into the pool. And my hair stood on end when he started pulling away! It was breathtaking.

       Bene was the first to arrive at the other end of the pool. He got out of the pool, sat down, ate a hotdog sandwich, sipped his buko juice, and that was when his opponents finally arrived. (Sorry, a father has a license of exaggerate.)

       Let me tell you about Francis’ race, my 5-year-old boy.

God Doesn’t Look At Your Performance

When the starting gun fired, Francis and 5 other boys dove into the pool. 

When Francis finished the race, he took sixth place. Did I mention that there were six boys in the race?

When he rose up from the pool, the other boys were dry already.

But it didn’t matter if he was last.

Because in my heart, he was still first place.

       Two months ago, Francis didn’t know how to swim.

       If he said, “I want to swim,” that meant splashing in a basin of water with his yellow rubber ducky.

       But two months ago, he learned to swim.

       And yesterday, he was already competing.

       Sure, he finished 6th place, but that didn’t matter. He still won first place in my heart.

       Friend, God is a Father too.

       He doesn’t look at your performance.

       Some people are hung up on their performance.

       Because of this, their concept of God is just like them: Constantly judging, evaluating, assessing their performance.

       They think when God looks at them, He sees their many sins and recoils, stepping back and moving away.

       But God isn’t obsessed with your sins.

       God is obsessed with you!

       He doesn’t look at what you’ve done wrong.

       He looks at who you’ve done right.

He doesn’t look whether your first place or last place.

I repeat: No matter what happens, you’ll always take first place in His heart.

What is God’s Wish Anyway?

I told you to wish God’s wish.

But what is God’s wish anyway?

My answer may surprise you.

What is God’s wish?


       You are God’s wish.

       You’re His heart desire.

       You’re His song in the morning.

       You’re His prized possession.

       You’re His treasure.

       You’re important to God!

       But not only you.

       God wishes to love the people around you too.

       If you wish God’s wishes, you’ll love yourself and others.

       If you wish God’s wishes, you’ll love like Jesus.

       May your dreams come true,

       Bo Sanchez

PS1. Change Your Financial Destiny. I’m giving a How To Be Truly Rich Seminar on November 13. You’ll get a powerful transforming experience in your financial life. Join me. You’ll never regret it. For more information, click the link below:

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tell me more about the How To Be Truly Rich Seminar

PS2. Living In Another City? For those who live in the province or live abroad–and can’t attend my “live” seminar in Metro Manila–join me through technology. How? You can join my seminar online or via DVD.

PLUS get a huge mountain load of material to help you gain financial abundance. How? Join my TrulyRichClub. It’ll blow you away.For more information, click the link below:

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